Very excited to introduce this week’s release (and not just because it features my hubby), a multiart set called Bondage Breaker including last week’s release, Bondage Breaker: the Sword, and a piece we are releasing this week called Bondage Breaker: the Shield.  If you follow our Prophetic Nuggets on Dyed4you Ministries, you heard the story of the creation of Bondage Breaker: the Shield in our post YHVH Tsur (the Lord my Strength). It is a beautiful story of patience, persistence, obeying the leading of Holy Spirit, and taking each step as it comes. I hope you are blessed by both these pieces and the words and story that goes with them! 

Below is the Lunchtime Live from our Dyed4you Ministries facebook page where I shared the story.

Read the full word for Bondage Breaker [multi-art set] and Bondage Breaker: the Shield