listentothesoundClosing out our releases for the year with a roar! Listen to the Sound is the second half of a pair with Fire of His Presence. This was an intense piece to create because I kept hearing things, which of course became obvious as to why when Father started downloading the name and the word! 

I had to chuckle when a couple months after I created this, I happened upon James Nesbit’s Fiery Lion image because it is very similar (I think we even used the same lion face stock photo). Good to know we’re both flowing in the same Spirit! (If you haven’t read our about page, you may not realize he is sort of the “father” of Dyed4you Art in the sense that he prayed over me for God to begin to bring forth prophetic art through me.)

I pray this new piece and its word are a blessing to you.

Read the full word for Listen to the Sound