Refreshing Worship – Dyed4you Art

Refreshing Worship depicts the unrestrained praise of one whose worship is steadfast – pouring out freely regardless of circumstance because she knows her God is faithful and true, and she trusts His life-changing love and the power of His name.

  • Titus 2:13 (TPT) For we continue to look forward to the joyful fulfillment of our hope in the dawning splendor of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus, the Anointed One.
  • Psalms 108:2 (TPT) Arise, my soul, and sing his praises! I will awaken the dawn with my worship, greeting the daybreak with my songs of light.

A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Reciprocated Love.”

Psalm 100:4 (TPT) You can pass through his open gates with the password of praise. Come right into his presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to him and affectionately bless his beautiful name!

Beloved, a heart full of praise is the key to My presence. Approach Me with gratitude, love, and sincerity – I will not turn away. Allow the overflow of your heart to manifest – whether it be in outstretched arms or bended knee, I AM with you. 

For I lavish My love on My children. And when that love is reciprocated, My heart is deeply moved. So draw close, beloved. Find time to be with Me. May we abide together, and be refreshed.

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Be a Vessel of Worship.”

Psalms 108:2 (TPT) Arise, my soul, and sing his praises! I will awaken the dawn with my worship, greeting the daybreak with my songs of light.

Beloved, arise and awaken! Greet the day with a heart full of joyous gratitude. Allow your thanksgiving to manifest, and bring forth praise. Release your sound and movement into the atmosphere. Shift the space around you. Welcome My glory in that place. 

As you move through your day, carry that praise with you in your heart and reflected on your countenance. May all who encounter you see My presence alive and active in your life. Be a vessel of worship, beloved, and usher in heaven wherever you go.

A Word called “Come Soar with Me” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.

Dance with Me, beloved. Hear the sound of heaven, that eternal song that calls to you and reminds that you are already home. Let your heart soar in songs of praise and worship and let your soul arise. As you worship, My presence washes and lightens your spirit, and you are caught up into My embrace. In My presence, the cares and the weights of the world will fall away, every power will bow, and all things will naturally align into their proper place. For where My Spirit is, there is freedom. 

While your feet may be rooted upon the ground, worship reminds you that your life is forever rooted in Me. You are seated with Me in heavenly places, and the Kingdom of Heaven is where you eternally dwell. So come soar with Me, beloved. Bask in the delight of our unity. Let our combined joy carry you away into the heights of the Spirit, and enter My courts with song. 

2 Corinthians 3:16-17 (NKJV) Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

Psalm 100:4 (TPT) You can pass through his open gates with the password of praise. Come right into his presence with thanksgiving. Come bring your thank offering to him and affectionately bless his beautiful name!

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Rest and Soar on the Wings of My Spirit.”

Proverbs 18:10 (AMP) The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs to it and is safe and set on high [far above evil].

Beloved, run to Me with arms swung wide. Be set free and refreshed in the arms of worship. From this place of praise, find yourself at peace, for you are set apart from the things of this world that would hinder you and hold you back. 

You are unrestrained. No longer can sin and bondage weigh you down. For your praise brings you to the highest of heights as you press in to My presence. So soar upon wings of love as you rest in My Spirit and rejoice.

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Remain Steadfast in Hope.”

Titus 2:13 (TPT) For we continue to look forward to the joyful fulfillment of our hope in the dawning splendor of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus, the Anointed One.

Beloved, remain steadfast in hope. Resist the urge to let any present circumstances (or concerns about future ones) steal your joy. Be intentional to stay in a place of thanksgiving regardless of what comes your way. 

For if you believe, by definition you must hope. If you have no hope, what confidence are you demonstrating about the faithfulness of your God? Rather, rejoice in that which you know is and is to come. Let your praise and joyful mouth be evidence of the steadfast hope you have in Me. Trust that I AM faithful, and stay rooted in hope.

A Meditation of the Word called “Our Songs of Ascent” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.

For many years, I was always curious when I came across the psalms known as the “Songs of Ascent” (Psalms 120-134). I wondered what this special title meant and the story that sets these psalms apart. Over time, I discovered that these psalms are also known as the “Pilgrim Songs.” Some scholars believe they were sung by worshippers as they ascended the road to Jerusalem to attend the three pilgrim feasts (Deuteronomy 16:16). Others believe that the songs were sung by Levitical priests as they ascended the steps of the Temple in Jerusalem. Another theory suggests they were written after the rebuilding of the Second Temple. Finally, there are scholars who think these songs were individual poems that were collected and given a title that would connect them to the Jewish pilgrimage after the Babylonian captivity.

As I have studied these psalms and even listened to them when they were put to song, something beautiful happened as I meditated on them—I began to see a picture of our spiritual pilgrimage. I had already done many studies of Scripture through a Hebraic lens; I was in awe of lengths that God has gone through to honor His promise to Abraham to bring his descendants back to the land of Israel—the land of promise. From the forefathers of the faith to the different generations in captivity, God would always create a road for them to return to the Promised Land and to Jerusalem, the very place of His throne. Ultimately, since the fall in Genesis 2, God has been creating a way for all of humanity to dwell in His Presence again.

Now, as much as the land of Israel is a physical land set apart by God, I couldn’t help but see in the Songs of Ascent that the process of return to the physical land required a spiritual ascent of the soul. Truly, this road echoes a higher call that we have in Christ. For our Kinsman Redeemer has freed us from the captivity of sin, making a way for us to “ascend the hill of the LORD” again. Our inner man is called to make the pilgrimage to the Jerusalem Above as we submit to the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. 

To me, the Songs of Ascent are a reminder of what inspires our praise and worship. We worship God because He has made a way for us to dwell in His Presence again. We rejoice over His continual deliverance. We express our gratitude that He has chosen us and sanctified us as kings and priests in His eternal Kingdom. Praise and worship elevates the soul as we set our mind our higher things and our upward call in Christ.

1 Peter 2:4-5, 9 (NKJV) Coming to Him [as to] a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God [and] precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. … But you [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

A series of 15 Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams are connected to this. They’re based on the “Songs of Ascent” (Psalms 120-134).

Step 1: Step Out and Call on Me

Psalm 120:1-2 (VOICE) When I was in deep trouble, I called out to the Eternal, and He answered my call. I prayed: “Protect me, Eternal, from lips that lie and tongues poisoned with deceit.”

Beloved, when trouble comes from every side, resist the urge to defend yourself. Instead call on Me, for I AM your defender and the place of your deliverance. I AM your strong tower – your refuge in the storm. Look to Me, for I AM your very present help in times of trouble. So rest in Me, YHVH Yeshua – the Lord your Salvation, for I AM the One who saves. So step out and call on Me, for I AM God.

Step 2: Step Into My Arms

Psalm 121:3 (VOICE) He holds you firmly in place; He will not let you fall. He who keeps you will never take His eyes off you and never drift off to sleep.

Beloved, step into My arms. I will not let you stumble, nor will I let you fall. Hold close to Me as I hold you firmly in My grip. You are protected – you are safe. You are with Me. I AM a fervent guard. I never slumber or sleep. I never lose sight of you. You are always in My gaze. you may make your rest in Me, for I ever remain vigilant. I AM that I AM, and you are Mine.

Step 3: Step Up and Pray

Psalm 122:6 (VOICE) Ask heaven to grant peace to Jerusalem: “May those who love you prosper.

Beloved, as you pray, be intentional to pray beyond your own personal needs and desires. I AM well aware of the things that concern you – likely even more so than you are yourself. My desire is to see you choosing to look beyond yourself and your own sphere. Choose to align your heart with Mine. Step up and pray for the things on My heart – things you will know about as you take time to know Me. Seek My heart, and listen as I share it. Then allow what touches My heart to move yours as well, and respond to it with prayer.

Step 4: Step in Time with Me

Psalm 123:1-2 (VOICE) I raise my eyes to fix my gaze on You, for Your throne resides in the heavens. Just as the eyes of servants closely watch the hand of their masters, Just as a maid carefully observes the slightest gesture of her mistress, In the same way we look to You, Eternal One, waiting for our God to pour out His mercy upon us.

Beloved, step in time with Me. As a couple in a dance move together as one – where in close proximity one leads as the other follows seamlessly, so should we flow together as one. So stay close to My side, and allow My subtle leading to keep you in step with Me. Keep your eyes and heart fixed on Me, that when you step, you might step rightly. No matter what comes your way, refuse to allow your attention to shift. Trust Me, trust My leading, and follow without hesitation.

Step 5: Stepping in Safety

Psalm 124:8 (VOICE) Our help has come in the name of the Eternal, the Maker of heaven and earth!

Beloved, as you walk, you are stepping in safety, for I AM God – creator of heaven and earth. I AM El Shaddai – the all-sufficient one, and El Elyon – the most high God. Who is there above Me? Whose power is greater? Whose arm is longer? Who sees all and knows all but Me? There is none above Me, and you belong to Me. I have accepted you as My very own. I AM your comfort and your help in times of trouble, and I AM eternally faithful. My love exceeds man’s ability to understand. So step safely as you walk with Me.

Step 6: Step into Steadfast Faith

Psalm 125:1 (VOICE) All who have faith in the Eternal stand as Mount Zion: unmoved, enduring, eternal.

Beloved, those who stand in Me, step into steadfast faith. For those who find their foundation in Me, stand as surely as the most solid bedrock.  Those who are truly rooted in Me, will not be moved or easily swayed, for they are indwelt by My Spirit and strengthen by My presence. Though the winds may batter and the waves may rock as the trials of life impede, still you will be steady and hold fast when you find your foundation in Me. So, beloved, be steadfast in your faith, and know that its source and foundation is One that never changes.

Step 7: Step Forward in Gratitude

Psalm 126:2-3 (VOICE) Our mouths were filled with laughter; our tongues were spilling over into song. The word went out across the prairies and deserts, across the hills, over the oceans wide, from nation to nation: “The Eternal has done remarkable things for them.” We shook our heads. All of us were stunned— the Eternal has done remarkable things for us. We were beyond happy, beyond joyful.

Beloved, regardless of what comes your way, step forward in gratitude. Remember all that I have done in your life, and stay in a place of perpetual thanksgiving. Dayenu (which means it is sufficient). What I have done – and if I never do more, is enough. Keep your eyes and heart filled with the blessings that come from Me. You are alive, for I have given you breath. You are loved, for I call you My own. For the many blessings I have given, without expectation of more even as you know more will come, give thanks to the One who has bestowed them. For I AM God alone.

Step 8: Step Forward at My Direction

Psalm 127:1 (VOICE) Unless the Eternal builds the house, those who labor to raise it will have worked for nothing. Unless the Eternal stands watch over the city, those who guard it have wasted their time.

Beloved, step forward at My direction, for without Me your progress is in vain. Be intentional to stay fully aligned with Me, and in cadence with My rhythm. For I declare the times and the seasons, and at My hand they come. So move with Me, My precious one, and I will lead you well. Great things are planned, and you play a part if you can move with Me. So listen well and hover close, and stay aligned with Me. Then when equipped I’ll move you on, and I will bring you strength. From glory to glory we move, and in victory we stand tall.

Step 9: Step Where I Lead

Psalm 128:1 (VOICE) Those who stand in awe of the Eternal— who follow wherever He leads, committed in their hearts— experience His blessings!

Beloved, resist the urge to make your own path, but rather trust, and step where I lead. For blessing lies the way of obedience, so choose to honor Me. May My Word lead you, My hand guide you, and My Spirit counsel you as you seek hard after Me. Be committed in your heart to a way of life and truth. For on My path is the place you’ll find the best I have for you. Choose humility, and yield control as you give all to Me. I’ll lead you well, My precious one, as you step where I lead.

Step 10: Step Securely

Psalm 129:4 (VOICE) The Eternal is just. He’s severed the bindings of the wicked so they can’t hurt me anymore.

Beloved, you are safe with Me, for with Me you step securely. I AM Elohim Mishpat – God of Justice, the righteous judge, so trust Me to bring true justice. For the heart of justice is making wrong things right. I advocate for the widows and orphans. I AM mindful of the lost and hurting. The humble know My name. I AM good, and I do good. For I AM a good Father, who leads you securely, so follow Me.

Step 11: Step Out in Hope

Psalm 130:2, 5 (VOICE) Lord, hear my cry! Attune Your ears to my humble prayer! So I wait for the Eternal—my soul awaits rescue — and I put my hope in His transforming word.

Beloved, step out in hope, for if you hope in Me and the power of My transforming Word – your hope is securely placed. I AM El Aman – the faithful God, and I AM steadfast and true. So look to Me in times of trouble – I will listen to your cry. And I will remain by you faithfully, in sweet times and in hard. Sustaining you and seeing you through as you persist in stepping out in hope.

Step 12: Step Forward Prepared

Psalm 131:2 (VOICE) Of one thing I am certain: my soul has become calm, quiet, and contented in You. Like a weaned child resting upon his mother, I am quiet. My soul is like this weaned child.

Beloved, a good parent prepares his child for what lies ahead, and I AM a good Father. So step forward prepared – knowing you are ready for whatever comes. For I AM with you always, and I walk beside you – and ever will I stay. So be calm, beloved. Rest, and be content. Quiet your soul, and trust in Me. For I will never leave you friendless, nor abandon you to grief. Stand fast and rest safely in My hands as you step forward prepared by Me.

Step 13: Step into Worship

Psalm 132:7 (VOICE) Let us journey to His dwelling place; let us worship at His footstool.

Beloved, make your dwelling place at the foot of My throne and step into worship. Allow My presence to overtake you, and in it find joy and strength. As My glory surrounds you, be refreshed and be amazed. For those who draw near to Me, they cannot help but feel My love. It permeates and overtakes – My love can make you whole. So step into worship, and find your place of praise. Make My presence your dwelling place, and be forever changed.

Step 14: Step Together

Psalm 133:1 (VOICE) How good and pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live together in peace!

Beloved, step together in unity, and live together in peace. For harmony sings an eternal song that moves the hearts of men. So let your life resound with that joyous melody as you choose to live as one. May My precious children be known by their love, towards others but also towards themselves. For if you cannot extend grace to one who loves Me, what hope that you can cultivate a family to draw anyone into who doesn’t. So step together in peace and love, and let harmony reign.

Step 15: Step Up Higher

Psalm 134:1-3 (VOICE) Praise the Eternal, all you who serve Him— who stand ready to serve in the house of the Eternal through the night. Lift up your hands toward His sanctuary, and praise the Eternal. May the Eternal grant you His blessing from Zion, God, the weaver of heaven and earth.

Beloved, step up higher – I have more for you to see. I AM Gelah Raz – the revealer of mysteries, and Creator of heaven and earth. Come before Me with arms held wide and a hearing open heart that I might share more. I love to commune with My children as their hearts draw near to Me. In faith they come and by faith receive the fullness that is Me. I welcome them with open arms and I will give them rest. For those the step up higher, I love to give My best.

A prophetic download from Annette Fleenor is connected to this. It’s called “Refreshing Worship.”

As you worship Me (the King of Kings) – delving deeper and deeper,  I will lift you up to soar with Me to the highest heights.  There will be no room for fear as waves of freedom and abandon wash over you. We will unite as one. Let your spirit sing a new song – your heart feeling as if it will explode with fullness of joy. In that place, you can forget all the worries of life, for now you have a different perspective. From that view, challenges appear small – as if looking down on them from above.

Let the praises erupt and crash over you like a waterfall. Taste the freedom on your lips, and let your body join the flow of gratitude for this new found freedom. In this place, it becomes impossible not to release the joyous flow clambering to burst forth. Your heart will yearn for even more of Father’s touch.  So long to stay in this place and fully enjoy your time there. These moments spent with Father are like a cool drink on a hot day – saturating every dry place with liquid sunshine, and making you feel more alive and refreshed than ever before.  

Hear the Father saying to you, “My Child, anytime you need My living water, it is ready. Come to the well that never runs dry, and I will pour it upon you. It refreshes and renews – it satisfies your thirst.  As you plunge yourself into Me, worship pours forth from you like a spring from the deep. 

“This kind of worship strengthens you from within. Your focus becomes Me, and your mind is relieved from the efforts of daily life. I join with you, and together we can overcome all things. So as the things of this world make you feel parched and dry, rise up and go to the fountain of worship. Be drenched in My love for you.”

Psalm 63:1, 3-4 ( CJB) O God, you are my God; I will seek you eagerly.  My heart thirsts for you, my body longs for you in a land parched and exhausted, where no water can be found. For your Grace is better than life. My lips will worship you. Yes, I will bless you as long as I live. 

Psalm 42:7 (CJB) Deep is calling to deep at the thunder of your waterfalls; all your surging rapids and waves are sweeping over me.

A Meditation of the Word called “The Name of the Lord” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.

Proverbs 18:10 (AMP) The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs to it and is safe and set on high [far above evil].

Occasionally, there can be times of spiritual warfare where fear and anxiety can plague a believer; keeping the enemy at bay often requires persistence and a commitment to having the mind of Christ. I remember in one particular season, the battle was even more difficult because I could not always stop in the middle of what I was doing to pray, discern, and address every fear and shift my thought life. One night, I went to bed physically exhausted—both from a long day of work and the nagging grip of anxiety that had plagued me all day. Yet in my exhaustion, I found myself wielding a powerful weapon against that anxiety—the Name of the Lord.

As I lay in bed, one fear after another was thrown at me. As each matter came up, I found myself spontaneously answering with one of the names of the Lord; this wasn’t premeditated or intentional on my part but inspired by the Spirit. If finances were a concern, then YHVH Jireh would provide. For every part of my body that was hurting and tempting me to fear sickness and disease, YHVH Rapha had the power to heal it. For every situation that seemed difficult to navigate, YHVH Ori would light my path and YHVH Rohi would shepherd and guide my every step. And even though I didn’t know how long this season of warfare would last against fear and anxiety, it truly didn’t matter; the battle had already been won by YHVH Tzva’ot, the Lord of Hosts. 

As each name came to mind, I could see each matter bowing to the sovereignty of my God! I wasn’t singing or shouting or rebuking the enemy, but simply delighting in the powerful names of my God. I had confidence that His power completely trumped the enemy’s power. And my soul was filled with joy to see, in a new way, how God completely covered every need I had. Ultimately, it was YHVH Shalom that lulled me into a place of deep peace and rest; I had run to Him and was safe from all evil.

Truly, this is the reason why we call upon the name of the Lord. By coming into agreement with who YHVH is, we resist agreeing with the voice of fear and handing our power and authority over to the enemy. Our focus shifts to Him who is seated upon the throne that is above every throne. We are praising and boasting in our God, and choosing to name Him as the answer to every problem. And truly He is the answer to our every problem. Our God is just that big!

The name of your silk is Effervescent Worship. The colors in it are kelly green representing new beginning, chartreuse green representing flourishing praise and standing in awe of the Creator, pale yellow representing awaken and gentle touch, electric blue representing intense, and dark teal representing fertile.

Father, thank You that You love us and receive our love in return. May we be known by our gratitude and the love poured out in praise to You. We cling tightly to Your name and the truth of who You are. Thank You for unburdening us and lifting our hearts as we press in in worship. Thank You for being worthy of steadfast hope. Thank You for calling us higher and beckoning us to ascend the hill of the Lord, and thank You for each step on that journey. Thank You that even when challenges come, You are steadfast and always welcome us. May our worship be steadfast, our hearts remain true, and may we be changed in Your presence as we ascend to new heights with You.

Effervescent Worship – Dyed4you Silk