Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Swept Away

Swept Away is the first in the Unbridled Passion series.

“As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.” Psalm 42:1-2

The name of the silk is Sealed. The colors in it are electric blue representing intensity, turquoise representing zeal, white representing bride, pearl shimmer representing pearl of great price, and cranberry representing sealed (as in Song of Solomon 8:6, “Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame.”)

This silk represents the secret place — being in the shadow of the palm of His hand, a place of deep intimacy. It’s a place where you receive the “secret” things: mysteries and revelation. When something is sealed, it is marked with ownership — it belongs to Someone, it has been claimed. Just as our hearts have been claimed by the One who poured out His own blood as the seal upon our hearts.

In response to this unimaginably jealous love, we pour out our own ardent affection with all the zeal and passion that a bride should exhibit as she awaits her wedding day. In this image we see our worshiper being swept away into this moment of unbridled passion.

I pray that you would pour out your life and love as an offering to the One who is enraptured with you.


  1. Tabitha Carson

    This is amazing!!!

  2. Amanda E

    Yay!! SOOOO glad you allowed for comments on here 🙂 And yeah, I love this one 😉

  3. Dawne Itnyre

    I was just reading your post on Dyed4you art and when I read the title “Swept Away” Kari Jobe’s song “Sweep Me Away”, started going through my mind. I love this song…she sings about God sweeping her away in his love. Here’s the lyrics:

    “Father, I love your ways. You come in your mercy, and died in my place. All I can do is bow, because of your goodness and your sovereign grace that you….
    Sweep me away. Sweep me away in your love and your sweet embrace.
    Tears rolling down my face, because of your love and your sweet embrace. The peace that just overflows….it’s here that I know you have been waiting to… Sweep me away
    Your grace, it covers me, your love, it covers me. O God, You cover me.”

    Not sure why I felt I needed to share that…lol Hope it blesses you!


  4. Tami L

    Nice to be able to leave comments on here now too, exciting!!! @Dawne, i love that song. I hadn’t listened to her CD in a while and I did today. I posted those lyrics on my facebook today. God is so amazing and loving and I want to have a deeper relationship with him.

  5. Faye Miller

    Swept Away is beautiful in every sense. I see Father’s hand in every print and therefore making it impossible to pick one over another. Each print touches my spirit in a different yet exciting way. God is multi faceted and I can see a facet of Him in each print. Keep creating for Him, He has placed a tremendous gift in your hands and it honors Him. I am Swept Away with you my love, my Lord and I worship You.

  6. Tammy Smith

    This is one of my very favorite pieces of art! It expresses a joy that comes from worship and a strength that comes from the joy of the Lord!

  7. Sherry

    This one sends my spirit soaring

  8. Julie

    I agree with Sherry. This one stirs an energy in me and makes me want to move.

  9. Leslie

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…..I LOVE this one!!! The joy is leaping out right at you! =)

  10. Angie

    Love, Love, Love you God!!! This is beautiful. The joy is leaping out of my chest with this one. heehee =)

  11. Veronica

    I dance at my church and I’m hoping and trusting that I will feel this kind of freedom one day!

  12. Connie Gibson

    I love your artwork and the fact that you give the scripture that allowed the inspiration

  13. Suttie


    My first pretend worship song to the Lord as if I had colored silk in my hands tonight was to that very song: “Swept Away” by Kari Jobe

    I was so blessed as I had never heard it before and in my mind’s eye the Lord and I communed together so beautifully…it was a true spiritual blessing and one of the heights of my times with Him.

    Worthy is the Lamb,


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