Tune In reminds us that even when we’re picking things up on an overwhelming number of frequencies, we can be intentional to find that place of stillness and tune in until Spirit helps things fall into place and come clear.
- 1 Samuel 3:10-11 (VOICE) Then the Eternal One came into his presence as before. Eternal One: Samuel! Samuel! Samuel: Speak, Eternal One. Your servant is listening. Eternal One: Pay attention!…
- Amos 3:7 (VOICE) …The Eternal Lord does nothing Without revealing His plan to His servants, the prophets. They are His spokespeople.
Sensitive people can find the volume of information they’re picking up via a combination of natural and spiritual senses overwhelming. It’s easy to want to go into shut-down mode, especially during difficult times when the pain and fear of the world around us is so loud and close to the surface.
And yet, we’ve been created to be sensitive for good—not for harm. We were made that way that we might be aware of the slightest nudges from the Holy Spirit. And it is a beautiful thing to be able to be grateful for our gift of sensitivity, even in the moments it feels almost like a curse.
The atmosphere around us (even in physical silence) can still feel painfully loud. Being able to sift through the information we’re picking up—whether it be loud or soft, bold or subtle, helpful or harmful—is vital. But Spirit promises us His leadership and wisdom… if we but tune in.
A Word called “Remain in My Love” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
My dear anointed ones, weighty is your call to speak and act on My behalf. It is weighty with great honor for you are My chosen vessels. However, this mantle was never meant to be a weighty burden to you. It will only become so if you do not abide in Me. It is not your responsibility to carry the weight of your calling or your gifts. I have appointed you to carry the weight of My glory, the essence of Who I Am. I, in turn, carry you by the power of My Spirit. In this way, My yoke is made easy and My burden light.
To do the work I have called you to, you must remain in My love. Live in My love. My world must become your predominant dwelling place, not the earth. Like a sea animal that is capable of life on both the land and in the waters, make every effort to return to the deep waters of My Spirit in between your daily activities in the world. When you are immersed in Me, I pour all of My love and life into you. This empowers you to pour out My love and life into the dry places in the earth.
Yes, there is nowhere that you can go where I Am not. In Me, all creation lives and moves and has its being. Yet the paradox of your existence is that, although you are always in Me, you must work to renew your intimate connection to Me through the practice of abiding. Take every opportunity to abide, beloved. Draw aside and shift your gaze back towards Me, the lover of your soul. As much as possible, seek My ways and My thoughts.
By seeking your resting place in Me, it is there that I will recalibrate your attitude and perspective so that it remains in harmony with Me. If you do not do this, you will begin to feel your attitudes shift outside the frame of My love. You will find that your strength in Me begins to wane. It is then that you will feel the weight of your calling as you begin to resonate with the frequency of the world instead of the frequency of My love. Your thoughts will become misaligned in varying degrees if you do not return to My presence for refreshing.
Precious one, there is grace in this process but this is the most vital key to your mission on earth. I want you to remember that, when you feel the weight of your calling, that is the time to seek Me. Do not hesitate. Do not look to the world for strength. Do not lament and beat yourself up in your human weaknesses, for you were never meant to go it alone. Return to My love and your resting place in Me, for this is where you were made to dwell. From this place of unity with Me, I will renew your strength and empower you to do every good work that I have called you to.
A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Tune in to My Frequency.”
Psalm 40:1 (AMP) I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; And He inclined to me and heard my cry.
Beloved, I AM always speaking. Settle your spirit, quiet your soul, and listen. I AM right there. Whispering to My beloved one, My precious child, the apple of My eye – you. Be patient. If you had something to share and the person you were speaking to was rushing you, would you feel heard? Important? Respected? You’d want time and an unhurried pace. Leave that same space for Me to speak. If you create the space, I will meet you there.
Be expectant. Trust that I AM speaking to you. Refuse the doubt and unbelief that come to plague you – you know where those lies come from, and it isn’t Me. More than you want to hear Me, I desire to be heard. Sit at My feet and wait on Me. Take a deep breath in and quiet the internal noise. Tune in to My frequency. I AM here. I AM ready. I AM speaking.
A Meditation of the Word called “Attuned to His Voice” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
Very early in my prophetic walk, I had several incredible encounters with the audible voice of God. Other than a smattering of Scripture references to this voice, it had never entered my mind that such encounters still happened. Primarily, I had these experiences while I was asleep. Somewhere between dreams, I would find myself pulled into a completely dark place. While my body was asleep, my inner man was suddenly wide awake. In the majority of these encounters, the only sense that was engaged was my spiritual hearing.
I remember that the first encounter began with the loud gong of bells sounding at various pitches. The vibrations rang through my being and felt like waves of a tuning fork. The sound, along with the darkness captured my attention and called me to be alert.
Then suddenly, God spoke. The sound felt as if it would rip my very being apart with its sheer force! Yet somehow, He spoke and I lived. His voice was slightly garbled. In retrospect, I believe this was symbolic of the fact that God was working to clear up my perception or reception of His voice.
While I don’t recall all the words in this encounter, I remember that it was a dark saying that had to do with His voice. As with most of these encounters, it was as if the meaning would bypass my mind and go straight into my spirit man. I do remember, however, that the encounter ended with a very clear call—a call for me to go forth and speak of the “sound” of His voice. It was a call to testify to what I had heard.
I have had several encounters with this audible voice in my walk with God. All are in this place in the Spirit where the sounds seem to resonate throughout my being and where what I hear is a mystery. I will also hear music and songs at times. It’s taken me many years to even find the words to write about this, and I’m just beginning to see the purpose in these encounters.
For me, being attuned to the sound of heaven and to the voice of God has been an essential part of flowing in the gift of prophecy. I believe those early encounters were very similar to the prophet Samuel’s experience, where the voice of God called to him in the tabernacle (1 Samuel 3). Before Samuel could begin his training as a prophet, he had to become aware that God was even speaking to him. Samuel had to become attuned to the voice of the Divine. Once the high priest, Eli, helped Samuel to recognize the One who was rousing him from his slumber, Samuel was able to position himself to become the servant of that Voice.
In our daily lives, there are so many voices, sounds, or frequencies that are vying for our attention. Yet when the voice of our Creator calls from within, it should truly command all of our attention. My encounters with the audible voice of God roused me from a state of spiritual slumber and into a posture of listening. I often struggled to embrace the calling on my life, and these encounters often made it impossible for me to ignore it! While I have never heard that voice while I’m awake, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m now attuned to its vibrations as it resonates throughout my daily life. The Holy Spirit carefully cultivated a heart attitude within me so that I would respond, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening!”
1 Samuel 3:9-10 (VOICE) Eli (realizing the Lord was calling Samuel): Go back and lie down, my son. If the voice calls you again, I want you to say, “Speak, Eternal One. Your servant is listening.” So Samuel went to his bed in his place and listened. Then the Eternal One came into his presence as before.
Eternal One: Samuel! Samuel!
Samuel: Speak, Eternal One. Your servant is listening.
Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Carry an Atmosphere of Peace.”
Psalm 5:3 (AMP) In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will prepare [a prayer and a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].
Make time to meet with Me, beloved. Come sit with Me. Wait on Me. Listen for My voice. Start your day with a pause. Allow My shalom – the peace that wars against chaos – to settle in your heart and mind. Start your day in that place of quiet, tuned into My frequency. Learn to find that place quickly and stay there.
Carry that quiet with you throughout your day. The enemy will seek to shatter it, but hold fast to it and to Me. It is your Inheritance, it belongs to you and is your right. He cannot take it away, only you can release it. So don’t let go. Hold fast and walk in peace, shifting the atmosphere around you to align with that peace rather than aligning to its chaos. Find Me in that place and hold on tight, I AM with you always.
The “REVELATION” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Dawning Victory (variation)” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Open your heart, and from a place of tranquility listen for direction and revelation. Let your focus hone in on what you’re hearing/sensing/seeing – resist the urge to filter it through logic, and initially simply receive. Allow yourself to be saturated as you receive wisdom beyond your natural abilities, and may you receive what you need, and may you have the wisdom to recognize it when it comes.”
A prophetic download called “Tune Into His Voice” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
{vision} Holy Spirit is bringing to mind a graphic I worked on for social media. It was a picture of a man with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face. He was listening. I overlaid the photo of sound waves to represent someone who was listening with their spiritual ears, listening for the frequency of the Father’s heart.
God speaks in so many ways. When we really stop to think about it, His voice is resonating in all of creation. In the beginning, He spoke creation into existence, and every particle conformed to His will. To this day, those particles still resonate with God’s initial commands.
While the reality is that God’s voice—His Word—is ever-present, sometimes we can feel as though He is silent. I know that as a prophetic person, sometimes I can feel stuck when it seems like God is quiet during a season. When we think God isn’t speaking, it can leave room for doubt and fear. One who is well acquainted with the voice of God learns utter dependence on it. One understands what Moses said in Deuteronomy 8:3 when he said, “man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the LORD,” (NKJV).
Yet I’ve also learned through experience that God is always speaking to us, and Holy Spirit is always leading. Sometimes He’s just not speaking or leading in the ways we are used to receiving (i.e. a vision, a dream, hearing His voice, highlighting a Scripture, etc.) Sometimes, God changes things up a bit to help us keep all our spiritual senses sharp. At other times, we may have a little spiritual static in one area of our connection with Him, so He’ll work to communicate a different way.
I’ve also noticed that God may speak a single word or phrase to us repeatedly for a season or across multiple seasons. He may say, “rest,” “obey,” “trust,” or simply “I love you.” As I’ve learned, sometimes He’s patiently repeating a word or phrase to us because we’re having trouble receiving it, digesting it. He’s a patient Father who’s teaching us His language, so He repeats Himself until we can understand.
And because the language of God is deep, one word or concept is richer than we can imagine. God will repeat a word or phrase in order to pour out understanding. He’ll unpack a spiritual feast of revelation in our lives when we’re open to it.
Children of God, resist the urge to think that God is silent in any given season. His Word is all around you and within you. It’s alive and relevant for every moment of your life. His Word brought you into existence and will sustain your being into eternity.
Heavenly Father, please help us to tune into the sound of Your voice, the Living Word that dwells within us. No matter the wounds of the past that have created blocks to our hearing, your Spirit is stronger. Your voice resounds over our soul chatter. I pray for the healing of wounds and for spiritual ears to open. We have been blessed to encounter You. We’ve experienced the frequency of pure love. Please, help us to stay tuned into that frequency no matter the season, situation, or spiritual atmosphere.
The “DIRECTION” card from D4Yart Deck 1 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Hedged In” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “When you choose to live your life aligned with the highest good, trust that if you misstep – you’ll be redirected. Spirit is ever at work leading and directing, so be intentional to heed the gentle nudges and to tune into your inner voice. Trust that Spirit’s ability to lead you, exceeds your ability to screw it up.”
Father, may we find stillness and hear Your Spirit regardless of the things swirling around us. May we be solid in You, for Your are our firm foundation. Thank You for loving us, leading and guiding us, and for Your abundant patience with us; may we also extend that to ourselves.
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