Entrusted Steward was created based on a vision given to represent the fostering of the flow of Holy Spirit in a body where the Spirit is free to move, but not out of order. Father downloaded this vision of the leader’s role – a conductor of sorts – facilitating, fostering, drawing things out, queuing things up, keeping things in balance without operating in control.
- John 4:34 (AMPC) Jesus said to them, My food (nourishment) is to do the will (pleasure) of Him Who sent Me and to accomplish and completely finish His work.
- 1 Peter 5:1-4 (AMPC) I warn and counsel the elders among you (the pastors and spiritual guides of the church) as a fellow elder and as an eyewitness [called to testify] of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a sharer in the glory (the honor and splendor) that is to be revealed (disclosed, unfolded): Tend (nurture, guard, guide, and fold) the flock of God that is [your responsibility], not by coercion or constraint, but willingly; not dishonorably motivated by the advantages and profits [belonging to the office], but eagerly and cheerfully; Not domineering [as arrogant, dictatorial, and overbearing persons] over those in your charge, but being examples (patterns and models of Christian living) to the flock (the congregation). And [then] when the Chief Shepherd is revealed, you will win the conqueror’s crown of glory.
- 1 Corinthians 14:31-33 (TPT) For you can all prophesy in turn and in an environment where all present can be instructed, encouraged, and strengthened. Keep in mind that the anointing to prophesy doesn’t mean that the speaker is out of control—he can wait his turn. For God is the God of harmony, not confusion, as is the pattern in all the churches of God’s holy believers.
{vision} Hands cupping and nurturing what appeared to be a nebulous ball of smoke. It was clear if control was exerted and the hands and arms sought to restrain, it would be to no avail and would instead disperse that which it was called to foster. It was further clear that without the hands, the form would expand to such a degree that it would lose all sense of shape and order and would ultimately dissipate completely. The meaning imparted was that the hands represented the one responsible for orchestrating the flow of the Spirit in the body of believers. The one who by divine wisdom was responsible for cultivating an atmosphere where the Spirit was free to move while still maintaining order.
As this word was being birthed Papa began to show that this piece embodied multiple layers and types of stewardship. Though the original inspiration came as encouragement to one shepherding a flock, it also applies to those simply stewarding the flow within them self or their families as well as even to those who function in a higher role of authority (either in the moment or as a calling) who steward even the shepherds in moments and seasons. Regardless of which place you find yourself in – and you’re likely to find yourself in different roles throughout your life – the fundamentals remain the same: yield to His Spirit and steward without trying to control.
{hearing} Beloved, trust Me to lead you. Refuse to allow fear that you’ll get it wrong to keep you from walking in the fullness of the role I have for you. I extend grace to you just as you extend grace to others. Cultivate My presence. Stay expectant. Believe Me for bigger than you can imagine. Stir up that hope in others. Lead by example and stay the course.
The Holy Spirit brought to mind two Biblical stories for this piece. First, He highlighted the birth of the Savior. When the time came for the Messiah to arrive, there was no room at the inn for this miracle to take place. Today, a similar challenge lies before us. The Holy Spirit and manifest presence of God is available to the world, but there isn’t always room for Him to abide and bring forth the will of the Father.
The second story highlighted was from Luke 10. When Yeshua sent forth the 70 disciples, He gave them specific instructions on where they were to abide. When they found a home where a “son of peace” was present (one whom their peace would remain upon), that was the place where they were to stay while doing the Lord’s will in that city.
{Impressions} Sensing the words “Son of Peace”. The Lord’s disciples were called to look for welcoming homes to stay in while they went about Kingdom business, a place where a “son of peace” abided. The Holy Spirit is much the same in His visitations. He intentionally seeks to abide with those who are at rest in mind and spirit, hearts that are free from striving and control. He is pleased to see when a welcome mat lies at the doors of our hearts, our homes, and our churches. And He is overjoyed and feels free to flow in an environment where He is allowed to be Himself. It is in such an environment that He can bring new sights, sounds, and experiences of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Father is calling you a “son of peace”. You are one with an open, hospitable heart. Both the Holy Spirit and Spirit-filled individuals rest and flourish best in environments that are free from striving, control, chaos, and fear. A son of peace makes room for the Kingdom and the unhindered flow of the Spirit through His people. You walk in a deep level of peace and trust in God, and this is something that greatly pleases Him.
A Prophetic Nugget from our Dyed4you Ministries blog is connected to this. It is called “I Orchestrate in Harmony.”
1 Corinthians 14:32 (VOICE) …the prophetic spirits are under the control of the prophets…
Beloved, cultivate a sensitivity to My leading, and extend grace to yourself in the process. Trust those I’ve placed in leadership to direct you according to My will. Even if they are shutting down what you are sensing, know I AM sovereign. Since I will not force Myself on anyone nor remove your natural abilities and functions, you are always able to stop or pause. I have placed you under authority and you honor Me when you honor them. They may fall short, but leave room for them to miss Me, even as you desire that grace for yourself.
Refuse the urge to try to control Me (or them) or need to understand everything in your natural mind, instead allowing Me to move. My Spirit empowers, moving in power and harmony. As you yield to My Spirit, we will flow together – breathing life and operating in truth.
So remember, beloved, to yield to authority, both Mine and that of those in the natural who have been granted the role. Honor them as you would Me. Trust that they are reflecting My heart and implementing My wishes to the best of their ability, and pray for them to do so. Operate in order. Cultivate My presence. And for those tasked with facilitating My presence, trust My Spirit to lead you. I orchestrate in harmony.
1 Corinthians 14:31-33 (VOICE) To avoid confusion and create a space where all can learn and be encouraged, let only one prophet speak at a time without interruption. You see, the prophetic spirits are under the control of the prophets because God is the author of order, not confusion. This is how it is in all gatherings of the saints.
Another Prophetic Nugget from our Dyed4you Ministries blog is connected to this. It is called “Be Led By My Spirit.”
1 Corinthians 14:33 (VOICE) …God is the author of order, not confusion…
Beloved, I AM not the author of chaos, nor do I incite discord. I do not work contrary to My goal or My word. As My children yield to My flow, they find themselves working in concert, creating a harmony that glorifies and honors their King. As you each align with your roles within the flow, beauty and life pour forth.
Trust each to be led by My Spirit (and for Me to bring correction if they’re not). Trust the authority I have put in place to be a catalyst for unity and to lead and guide rightly (and pray for them to walk in the fullness of that call). Put your focus on aligning yourself with My purpose for you, and refuse to be distracted by whether or not others are doing likewise.
In the end, remember I AM sovereign. Regardless of human shortcomings, I delight to move in and through it all. Yield to Me, focus on Me, and usher in My Kingdom here on earth.
1 Corinthians 14:31-33 (VOICE) To avoid confusion and create a space where all can learn and be encouraged, let only one prophet speak at a time without interruption. You see, the prophetic spirits are under the control of the prophets because God is the author of order, not confusion. This is how it is in all gatherings of the saints.
A final Prophetic Nugget from our Dyed4you Ministries blog is connected to this. It is called “Be a Fool For Me.”
1 Corinthians 12:7 (TPT) Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community.
Beloved, allow My Spirit to empower you to operate in the supernatural. I have placed gifts within you for My glory, resist the urge to withhold them because of insecurity, doubt, or pride. Be a fool for Me. Withhold nothing. Allow My Spirit to flow like water over and through you.
Refuse to be sidetracked or derailed by comparisons or petty jealousy, I flow through each of you in a way that is unique and perfect for you. Yield to that flow, with no concerns of vanity or judgment of man, simply focus on releasing all I’ve empowered you to impart. Glorify Me.
1 Corinthians 12:7-12 (TPT) Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community. The Spirit gives one person a word of wisdom, but to the next person the same Spirit gives a word of knowledge. Another will receive the gift of faith by the same Spirit, and still another gifts of healing—all from the one Spirit. One person is enabled by the Spirit to perform miracles, another to prophesy, while another is enabled to distinguish those prophetic spirits. The next one speaks in various kinds of unknown languages, while another is able to interpret those languages. One Spirit works all these things in each of them individually as He sees fit. Just as a body is one whole made up of many different parts, and all the different parts comprise the one body, so it is with the Anointed One.
{hearing} Beloved, you have been entrusted to steward this precious flow and the operation of these priceless gifts. I trust you. I trust you to hear Me. I trust you to be guided by My Spirit. I trust you not to feel the need to upstage Me or control Me, to quench Me for your own purposes or agenda. I see the beautiful cloak of humility you’ve chosen and you wear it well. You honor Me. I trust My sheep to your care. Continue to reflect My heart, to nurture and guide in love. Beloved, your heart reflects My heart. Thank you for loving so well.
Father, help us to cultivate Your presence. Help us to operate in humility without a fear of man seeking only to please You and bring You glory. May we yield to Your flow and may You move in mighty ways through Your yielded vessels. Papa, bring heaven to earth and may Your name be praised forever!
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