God of Wonders depicts a worshipper transfixed in adoration of the One who is worthy of all praise.
Psalm 40:5 (NASB) Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders which You have done, And Your thoughts toward us; There is none to compare with You. If I would declare and speak of them, They would be too numerous to count.
Psalm 40:5 (CJB) How much you have done, Adonai my God! Your wonders and your thoughts toward us — none can compare with you! I would proclaim them, I would speak about them; but there’s too much to tell!
“Beloved, I AM the God of Wonders. Pause and behold My handiwork. See Me for who I AM. Do not allow doubt or circumstances to minimize Me in your eyes. Nothing is too hard for Me. And I love you. You are My beloved, My heart, apple of My eye, and center of My world. Do you think that I could part the seas, but somehow be incapable of moving on your behalf? Or perhaps you think Me able but unwilling? Don’t fall prey to those lies, trust Me. Trust My plans for you, and yield to Me. Look with wonder upon My glory. Watch Me in action. Refuse to be moved or shaken. Know that I AM God” (Dyed4you Ministries’ Prophetic Nugget called “Able and Willing”).
“My voice is the voice of many waters, says the LORD. All the earth is full of My glory and My knowledge will fill the earth that I created for My pleasure. I Am the Lord of everything, and the Sovereign. I will be heard. I will manifest My power and glory. For there is none other like Me. I cannot be controlled and My works will not be destroyed. They will not be nullified, postponed or stopped, for My will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven, says the LORD. I will not be mocked, says the LORD. My voice shall flood the earth, and be heard…My light shall radiate, and My Spirit shall permeate the land, and revival fires shall spread throughout the earth, as I bring to life that which was dead, and revive that which was lifeless, and My voice will be heard, says the LORD” (My Voice by June Reinke of Prophetic Light).
The name of the silk hidden in this image is King of Glory. The colors in it are pale yellow representing glory revealed, soft gold representing glory, amber representing throne of God, dark red representing power in the Blood, and turquoise representing God battling on our behalf.
Father, everything pales next to you and the beauty of Your glory. May we be transfixed, may we reflect Your radiance, and may we never lose our wonder.
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