Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Command the Atmosphere


Command the Atmosphere depicts the warrior – unafraid – shifting the atmosphere, beckoning forth the Light of Christ and holding fast his banners before YHVH Nissi – the Lord our Banner, our miracle.

  • Ephesians 1:17-19 (AMPC) [For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength
  • Psalm 25:2-5 (AMPC) O my God, I trust, lean on, rely on, and am confident in You. Let me not be put to shame or [my hope in You] be disappointed; let not my enemies triumph over me. Yes, let none who trust and wait hopefully and look for You be put to shame or be disappointed; let them be ashamed who forsake the right or deal treacherously without cause. Show me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths. Guide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You [You only and altogether] do I wait [expectantly] all the day long.

Unite with heavenly hosts! YHVH Sabbath (the Lord of Hosts) is with you – you are aligned with him.  Unite with heavenly hosts. Shift the atmosphere! Release His presence and promises into the atmosphere. Call for a shift and a release. Life and revelation come forth! The price has been costly, but it is all worth it as you see Father’s loving gaze rest upon you. Yes, salvation is free, but intimacy with YHVH and His Son costs. It requires obedience, time, and dying to self. So yes, you have paid a dear price, but gained oh so much more. You have stepped into your destiny and it has unfurled around you. Continue on this path and you will see every line written on your scroll fulfilled.

You live out of the place of sonship, knowing who you are in the Kingdom of Heaven. As a son you can do the things your Father has destined for you, like being creative, because He is Creative. You have ascended into Father’s Heaven, you received His strategy and blueprint, and then descend into the Earth so you can build His Kingdom here. Command the atmosphere. Bring heaven to earth.

A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Carry an Atmosphere of Peace.

Psalm 5:3 (AMP) In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will prepare [a prayer and a sacrifice] for You and watch and wait [for You to speak to my heart].

Make time to meet with Me, beloved. Come sit with Me. Wait on Me. Listen for My voice. Start your day with a pause. Allow My shalom – the peace that wars against chaos – to settle in your heart and mind. Start your day in that place of quiet, tuned into My frequency. Learn to find that place quickly and stay there.

Carry that quiet with you throughout your day. The enemy will seek to shatter it, but hold fast to it and to Me. It is your Inheritance, it belongs to you and is your right. He cannot take it away, only you can release it. So don’t let go. Hold fast and walk in peace, shifting the atmosphere around you to align with that peace rather than aligning to its chaos. Find Me in that place and hold on tight, I AM with you always.

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “A Warrior of Peace.

Ephesians 6:15 (TPT) Stand on your feet alert, then you’ll always be ready to share the blessings of peace.

Beloved, I AM YHVH Shalom – the Lord your peace. But peace that comes from Me is no passive, fragile thing. My peace is a force to be reckoned with. My peace isn’t powerless in the face of turbulence or chaos, for My peace wars against it. 

And beloved, you have been given My peace and are called to walk in it. This includes taking territory for Me. You are an atmosphere changer. You restore My peace everywhere your feet may land. You are a warrior of peace – doing battle against the confusion of the enemy simply by being who I have made you. So walk in peace you have been given.

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Recharge in My Presence.

Acts 3:19 (VOICE) So now you need to rethink everything and turn to God so your sins will be forgiven and a new day can dawn, days of refreshing times flowing from the Lord.

Beloved, take the time to recharge in My presence. You are called to usher in My presence wherever you go, changing the atmosphere around you and reflecting the glory that is Me. You cannot do that effectively if you are wiped out, exhausted, and spiritually dry. Do not run out of oil, beloved, for the oil of My Spirit brings healing and restoration – it is vital to bring life. Keep your oil full, your lamp prepared, and your light shining brightly.

Refresh with Me. Recharge with Me. Let Me refill you, restore and renew you. Rest in Me and let Me have My way in your heart, beloved, for My touch is gentle and My love for you knows no bounds.

Matthew 25:4 (GW) The wise bridesmaids, however, took along extra oil for their lamps.

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Desire My Glory.

Habakkuk 2:14 (GW) But the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord’s glory like the water covers the sea.

Beloved, feel the weight of My glory. It is no light, inconsequential thing. My glory changes all it encounters. Nothing can resist its pull. It shift atmospheres and changes hearts. It is life changing. 

Desire My glory – a move of My hand. Embrace the change it brings with reckless abandon and wholehearted trust. Watch as My glory spreads as it manifests – My Kingdom come to Earth. 

A final Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “The Power Source.

1 John 1:5 (AMP) This is the message [of God’s promised revelation] which we have heard from Him and now announce to you, that God is Light [He is holy, His message is truthful, He is perfect in righteousness], and in Him there is no darkness at all [no sin, no wickedness, no imperfection].

Beloved, I AM El Ori, God your Light, and surely you must know the innate power light embodies. Light when harnessed can start fires or form a laser to create a tool both precise and powerful. Light illuminates. It brings truth. It mandates its atmosphere. Light controls the darkness, not the other way around. 

What can darkness do? It can distort and lie, but it has no real power. It has only as much power as the lack of light allows. And you are called to be a light – to reflect Me. So shine brightly. Don’t concern yourself with the darkness, but rather focus on the Source you are reflecting, for that is where the power comes from. So make room for the Power Source and reflect Me brightly. 

The lyrics from Israel & New Breed’s “No Limits” are connected to this piece. Here are a portion of them, “No limits, No boundaries, I see increase, All around me. | Stretch forth! Break forth! Release me, Enlarge my territory. | Take the limits off. Release me. | It’s a time of favor, It’s a time of rain. It’s a time of increase, It’s a time of harvest. It is a time for reaping. | Ask for favor while favor is falling. | Hallelujah, Enlarge my territory!”

The name of your silk is Revelation of the Lord. The colors in it are turquoise representing life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit, black representing deep calls unto deep, and royal blue representing revelation knowledge.

Father, we refuse to let the enemy have free reign. We will shift the atmosphere wherever we go, allowing the light of Christ in us to bring forth Your glory! We stand fast and lift You high. Make manifest Your will here on earth.

command the atmosphere  revelationofthelord-dyed4yousilk 

Note: this word was expanded in December 2019

1 Comment

  1. Laurel Lee Haverkate

    I would like to order Command the Atmosphere please…and don’t see a clear way to do that, so I’m asking for your help!
    Thanks and I appreciate the beautiful art you create!
    Laurel Lee

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