Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Living Water

LivingWater_SMLiving Water represents the flow of living water rushing from our hearts that have been filled from the deep wells of water from His Spirit. What we have been given, freely we give; and we stand on His promises of the protection and inheritance that comes with it.

“He who believes in Me [who adheres to, trusts in, and relies on Me], as the Scripture has said, ‘From his innermost being will flow continually rivers of living water.’” John 7:38 (AMP)

“When you go through deep waters and great trouble, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown! When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up—the flames will not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2 (TLB)

“And he also said, “It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega–the Beginning and the End. To all who are thirsty I will give freely from the springs of the water of life.” Revelation 21:6 (NLT)

This image was birthed from a prophetic word describing a farmyard, hand-pumped spigot with water gushing forth. The pump having been primed by the Word pours forth life abundant to nourish and refresh, speaking promises from Him and declaring life and truth over His people. With Him all things are possible. Expect the unexpected because He says, “I am the God of the UNEXPECTED. With Me all things are possible, so prepare your hearts and minds, expand your understanding of who I AM and what I can do.”

{hearing} Drink deeply of that which I have supplied – take of the living waters I have for you. This is my promise that I will always quench your thirst for me. Drink deeply there’s more of that where it came from. My covenant promises remain. And my healing waters still bring rest and refreshment, for I have not and will not change. My love and faithfulness is constant and consistent. Rivers of living water shall flow from you out from the depths of my Spirit in you. I AM has primed the pump within you. You are now a conduit of living water, to bring refreshing and life to all that you come in contact with. Beloved, this is the covenant that I have made with You!

The name of the silk in this image is Bursting Forth. The colors in it are golden yellow representing joy, white representing innocence, peach representing tender heart, pea green representing hope, turquoise representing living-giving flow of the Holy Spirit, and gold shimmer representing blessing.

Thank You, Father, for allowing us to be Your vessels of life – conduits through which Your refreshing and cleansing water of Truth flows. May we stay primed and function in full measure as You’ve designed us to perform, and to You be all the glory.

Living Water LivingWater-5x7word Dyed4youSilkCalledBurstingForth


  1. christine

    Beautiful word. I remember that picture from Facebook and I remember that silk! Bursting forth reminds me of the joy that comes in the morning. ☺

  2. Tonia

    This is sweet, lovely and refreshing; I so enjoy your creativity Meghan.

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