Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Floodgates of Heaven

floodgatesofheaven_smFloodgates of Heaven depicts a worshipper holding nothing back and in response Father has released the floodgates of heaven to wash over with life and blessing.

  • Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6 (NIV) The Lord reigns, let the earth be glad; let the distant shores rejoice. Clouds and thick darkness surround him; righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. The mountains melt like wax before the Lord, before the Lord of all the earth. The heavens proclaim his righteousness, and all peoples see his glory.
  • Zechariah 10:1 (AMPC) Ask of the Lord rain in the time of the latter or spring rain. It is the Lord Who makes lightnings which usher in the rain and give men showers, and grass to everyone in the field.

The lyrics from Michael W. Smith’s Let It Rain are connected to this piece: “Let it rain. Let it rain. Open the floodgates of heaven. We want to see Your Glory, God! Do you want to see His Glory? Lift your voices, lift your hands!” With desperation and earnest desire press in for the fullness of His outpouring. Hold nothing back. Rejoice in His flow. Glory in it. Be saturated and refreshed – absorbing it all so it can flow back out again. A willing vessel.

For it to rain, there has to be a ‘drawing’ below to bring the rain from the clouds. Likewise, as we are hungry and thirsty for the Lord, we will elicit a response from Him. Like in Luke 8:46 where the woman touched the hem of the Lord’s garment and He asked, “Who touched me?” – she drew the power out of Him. As we press in, He is faithful to pour out.

{hearing} Come up and I will open the floodgates of living water! Rejoice in the times of refreshing in My presence. My dam of living water is about to burst and dry deserts will blossom into a beautiful places of joy, freedom, and new life. I will respond to your outpouring of praise. Open the floodgates of praise and let Me wash over you. Spend yourself worshipping Me and my floodgates will release a blessing to great for you to hold.

A Prophetic Nugget from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries is connected to this. It’s called “El Chai (the Living God).

Zechariah 10:1 (VOICE) Pray to the Eternal, asking for rain in the spring; He is the One bringing the storm clouds. He fills them with heavy rain, showers of rain for the plants of the field for everyone.

Beloved, pray for rain. Pray for Me to swing wide the floodgates of heaven and saturate My people and all the earth. I AM the One who brings refreshing in the dry, desert seasons. I AM El Chai, the Living God, and I bring life and bring it in abundance.

In My great mercy, I pour out My rain on all – the righteous and the unrighteous. I will not withhold My life-giving flow, nor deny anyone the opportunity to grow. Be sure to use wisely the blessing that I give that increase can be given all the more.

A series of six Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams are connected to this. They’re based on 1 Kings 18:41-46 (VOICE):

Elijah (to Ahab): You should go fill your belly with food and water. I hear a heavy rain coming. Ahab did as Elijah instructed and went to eat and drink. Elijah journeyed to the peak of Mount Carmel. There he bowed down on the ground and placed his head between his knees. Elijah (to his servant): Go now, and look in the direction of the sea. Servant (returning to Elijah): I did as you asked, and there is nothing in the direction of the sea. Elijah gave him the same instruction seven times, “Go back, and look in the direction of the sea.” The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.” Elijah: Go quickly, and give a message to Ahab for me: “Prepare your chariot, and leave quickly before the rain gets torrential and keeps you from traveling.” The sky became filled with dark monstrous clouds, the wind grew wild, the heavy rain fell, and Ahab traveled quickly in his chariot to Jezreel. The strength of the Eternal filled Elijah. The prophet pulled up his garment around his thighs and sprinted ahead of Ahab the entire way to Jezreel.

The first Prophetic Nugget is called “Listen for the Rain.”

1 Kings 18:41 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): You should go fill your belly with food and water. I hear a heavy rain coming.

Beloved, remain in a place of expectation. Rest firmly in hope – hope in My goodness. Be still and listen. Know that I AM moving. Hold those expectations with an open hand, trusting My timing and My plans, but indeed be intentional to hope.

Be open and ready that you might not miss what I’m doing. So in the midst of the dry season – when the times of drought seem endless, listen for the rain. For you know rain will surely come, just as I bring day from night, surely you know I bring joy from mourning. So listen for the rain and await the breakthrough.

The second Prophetic Nugget is called “Prepare for the Rain.”

1 Kings 18:41-42 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): You should go fill your belly with food and water. I hear a heavy rain coming. Ahab did as Elijah instructed and went to eat and drink…

Beloved, as you wait in expectation, be obedient when instruction comes. Resist the urge to rely on your own knowledge, for I see what you do not. Therefore, I will often prepare you for events that are unexpected by you. In those moments, if you judge My instructions in the natural, you may be tempted to ignore them or take a different action.

Beloved, trust that I see what you do not, and trust that I will prepare you. For just as Noah built an ark in preparation for a catastrophic flood though no rain had yet fallen, so I will prepare you for that which is seen and unseen – if you will but obey.

The third Prophetic Nugget is called “Be in Agreement.”

1 Kings 18:41-42 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): …I hear a heavy rain coming… Elijah journeyed to the peak of Mount Carmel. There he bowed down on the ground and placed his head between his knees.

Beloved, even when the world seems like desert without a cloud in sight, believe Me when I say the rain is coming.  One of the greatest spiritual weapons in your arsenal is that of the power of agreement. So with intention, stand in faith for that which I have promised. And with intention, pray for those things to come to pass. And with praise – even with hands raised high, give thanks for the manifestation of that which is still unseen.

I AM faithful, and My promises are yes an amen. So refuse to be double-minded – on the one hand asking for breakthrough and on the other doubting it will come. Be steadfast and sure because you know the character of the God you serve. You know that I AM faithful, so refuse to be moved and be in agreement with My promises to you.

The fourth Prophetic Nugget is called “Wait Expectantly.”

1 Kings 18:43-44 (VOICE) Elijah (to his servant): Go now, and look in the direction of the sea. Servant (returning to Elijah): I did as you asked, and there is nothing in the direction of the sea. Elijah gave him the same instruction seven times, “Go back, and look in the direction of the sea.” The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.”…

Beloved, wait expectantly – with a heart filled with hope, and watch for me to move. For if I have spoken, will I not act? And if I have promised, will I not fulfill? If you know Me, you know of My faithfulness from generation to generation. I AM always faithful, and I AM always good.

Stir up your faith during your time of waiting, and be intentional to stir up the faith of those around you. Remind yourself of all I have already done, and consider all I have said I will do. Rest in the assurance of My character. And wait expectantly and with joy, knowing that the wait only serves to sweeten the inevitable fulfillment of My promises.

The fifth Prophetic Nugget is called “Embrace Small Beginnings.”

1 Kings 18:44 (VOICE) The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.” Elijah: Go quickly, and give a message to Ahab for me: “Prepare your chariot, and leave quickly before the rain gets torrential and keeps you from traveling.”

Beloved, when you find yourself in the day of a small beginning, resist the urge to take it lightly or view it as small or unimportant. For I bring increase in its season, so the wise will be intentional to prepare.

Be intentional to yield to Me not just as you wait for a promise to manifest, but also once it has begun. For I see the beginning and the end, so trust Me to lead you rightly. So embrace your small beginning, even as you make ready for the more.

The sixth Prophetic Nugget is called “Expect Me to Bring Increase.”

1 Kings 18:45-46 (VOICE) The sky became filled with dark monstrous clouds, the wind grew wild, the heavy rain fell, and Ahab traveled quickly in his chariot to Jezreel. The strength of the Eternal filled Elijah. The prophet pulled up his garment around his thighs and sprinted ahead of Ahab the entire way to Jezreel.

Beloved, often when I bring increase it comes swiftly and unexpectedly. Though the vision may seem to tarry, it tarries not, for I will bring it to its fullness in due season. So be prepared to wait patiently but expectantly just to see Me move suddenly.

I AM the Lord of the breakthrough – YHVH Perazim. Watch and wait in hopeful expectation, as you rejoice in what I’ve already done. Testify of My faithfulness, and when breakthrough and increase come – testify some more. Refuse to be silent. Give praise to the One who is worthy. Amen.

The name of the silk in this image is River of Heaven. The colors in it are sky blue representing river from heaven, emerald green representing healing, cayman island green representing refreshing, white representing pure, turquoise representing water of life, and electric blue representing release.

This is exciting and refreshing all at the same time. Praying that those who are feeling dry will ask for rain in the time of rain.

Floodgates of Heaven floodgatesofheaven-5x7word dyed4yousilk_riverofheaven

Note: The word that goes with this art piece was expanded January 2019 and again in May 2020

1 Comment

  1. Deborah

    Beloved. I see you sitting there so dried and parched, My Child. You have gone to the world’s cisterns and found them broken and empty. The wells of the world hold nothing but disappointment, Dear One. There are no answers to be found in these dry places. Be not dismayed, My Love. I have never left you. I am sitting right here beside you in your place of broken dreams. I am the Fountain of Life and I am pouring out to you Living Waters. Not bitter waters, Dear One, but Sweet Healing Waters. It is My gift to you. I am your Source. When you drink of My Water you will never thirst again. Indeed, the Water I have given you has become in you a spring of water welling up to eternal life. I have set you free from the waterless pit and filled you with My Spirit. Never forget this, Little One. No earthly well could hold what I have in store for you. I am your Strength and Song. I shall pour out such a blessing upon you that you will not have room enough to contain it. The Floodgates of heaven are open, Beloved. Drink to your heart’s content. Trust and do not be afraid. Sing and dance in this heavenly Rain and you shall thirst no more. Draw once again with joy from the Wells of your Salvation.
    … Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Yahweh is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation.3Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.4And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon His name, declare His doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.6Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee. 5Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth.
    …Jeremiah 2:13…They have forsaken Me, The Fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, Broken cisterns that can hold no water.
    …Jeremiah 14:3 Their nobles have sent their servants for water; They have come to the cisterns and found no water They have returned with their vessels empty.
    … Zechariah 9:11 As for you also, because of the blood of My covenant with you, I have set your prisoners free from the waterless pit.
    …John 4:10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and Who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.”..13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
    (Shared on FB with this art piece credited as follows) amazing artwork by Dyed4You Art. See website and FB page in comments. 🙂

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