Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Watchful Sovereign

WatchfulSovereign_SMWatchful Sovereign depicts the ever watchful eyes of the Holy One – YHVH Roi (the LORD who sees) – minding His domain, protecting His children, and guarding against the enemy.

“The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3 (ESV)

“…I saw [in a vision] the Lord sitting on a throne, high and exalted, with the train of His royal robe filling the [most holy part of the] temple.” Isaiah 6:1 (AMP)

He is our rear guard. Watching, guarding, faithfully vigilant, never leaving or forsaking us. Keeping guard over our homes and lives. Ferocious love for us. Desiring good for us. Longing, yearning for deeper relationship with us. He so desires that we choose Him.

What will He see in your life and actions today? Will He see a heart turned toward Him? I heart seeking after Him? He waits, watches, ever so patiently for you to turn toward Him, to make time for Him, to include Him in your day. His eyes do not condemn you. His eyes speak His love and longing for you, for conversation with you. As Song of Solomon says, His desire truly is for you. He desires that HE is the most important part of your life.

Challenge yourself to continually ask yourself these questions. Ever evaluating where you are in relationship with Him for He deserves our best. Choose Him, choose time with Him. He who gave His all for you, is more than worth every precious moment spent with Him. In Him you will find all that you seek. If you are struggling, ask Him for His help. He is more than willing. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He loves you dearly, completely, and truly. His love covers you.

The name of the silk in this image is Train of His Robe. The colors in it are amber representing flaming throne of God, burgundy representing royal blood, sky blue representing heaven, purple representing royalty, and gold shimmer representing majesty.

Precious Beloved, help us to daily choose You. Help us to make You the most important part of our lives. How gloriously wonderful You are! And help us to receive the awesome gift of Your love.

Watchful Sovereign WatchfulSovereign-cardBack3-screen TrainOfHisRobe


  1. Tonia

    I am so thankful that He watch us and over us. Yay God!

  2. Karen Douglas

    Jehova Roi, my God who sees me. So thankful He sees me, in every detail, every nuance, every endeavor, every need. He is my God and nothing can pluck me from His Hand.

    • Meghan

      Amen Karen! Totally updating the word to include His name – you are spot on!!!

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