Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

All Creation Praises

AllCreation-SMAll Creation Praises is a reminder that everything is created to praise the Creator and that He is worthy of our efforts to pour forth an acceptable praise offering to our King.

“Praise the Lord from the earth, you creatures of the ocean depths,” Psalm 148:7 (NLT)

The silk in this image is called Faithful Companion. The colors in it are aqua representing rivers of refreshing, turquoise representing river of God, soft gold representing faithful Companion and beauty for ashes, and rust representing purifying fire.

His love for us is so overwhelming and so sweet. In the same way that in a loving marriage the vow of “with my body I thee worship” is joyously fulfilled, our faithful Companion is worth holding nothing back from and lavishing with praise, love, and obedience. Let Him be your delight.

Father, we choose to shower You with affection. May our lives – a sweet sacrifice of obedience – be a pleasing aroma before Your throne. May we praise You in song, movement, and action for You are fully deserving!


  1. Tonia Gaston

    Beautiful! I love the message and prayer; works together perfectly with the art speaking Father’s heart. Bless you. 🙂

  2. elaine

    I agree with Tonia! This is beautiful and inspiring!

  3. Vanielle

    I really love this! The silk color in the background is amazing. The word that is with it is perfect!

  4. christine

    Yes! It is beautiful! 🙂

  5. karen douglas


  6. Jessica S.

    This is so pretty!!! I love how I can see the silk in the sky & in the water, and it’s such a joyful picture for a joyful word 🙂

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