Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Into the Light

Into the Light depicts one in childlike trust moving from darkness into Light, trusting the Light to give life – whether by pruning or watering – so that an accelerated abundance of fruit would come forth.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

…every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. John 15:2

The beloved has heard His call and moves from the darkness into the light.  That Light that dispels the darkness. Her path has been cleared, and is well-tended.  The Master Gardner has cared for the grove, tending each tree, pruning. She moves forward without fear – with childlike faith – trusting His hand to guide.

We too must have the ability to see the good in the hard spots, trusting and clinging to the Lord and even joyfully accepting where He has us, whatever that might look like. It is the ability to trust as a child, but know with a certainty that ahead of you – because you have accepted and answered the call to enter this place of maturity with Him – you will be pruned though it may not feel good or look good at the time… it will be worth it. The Master Gardener can be fully trusted.

Walk in the ability to look past the discomfort and pain at the growth to the maturity and fruit – the deepened relationship with the Lord because going to a deeper level with Him is worth it all. It is not gauging Him by the current unpleasant realities, but knowing He will work it all out for good and that He is good.

The silk in this image is called Firmly Planted. The colors in it are white representing right standing, golden yellow representing courtship with God, emerald green representing prosperity, chartreuse green representing flourishing and black representing shadow of His wings.

I pray our eyes would stay fixed on You – the Author and Finisher of our faith. That we would abide in You, allow You to prune us, and bear good fruit… abundantly.


  1. Tami L


  2. Frances Harrigan

    The colors of the silk jumped out at me. The meanings represent all I need and pray for. It’s all in Him. What a beautiful and powerful message. Amen! I receive it!

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