Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Never Alone

Never Alone captures that feeling we all experience when we think we’re overwhelmed, lost, abandoned, and alone. And yet God is always with us.

“…I will never leave you nor forsake you.” – Hebrews 13:5

No matter how we “feel,” He is always there with us. There may be times when we can’t see His hand with us or feel His eyes on us, yet we know He is not a man that He should lie, so we know He must be with us.

The silk in this image is blended into the background, representative of the fact that often we aren’t aware of His presence, but that doesn’t make it any less real. The name of the silk is Covered by His Feathers. The colors in it are amber representing the Father’s heavenly care, golden yellow representing joy, mahogany brown representing God’s love, earthy red representing worth dying for, and metallic gold representing blessing. The name of this silk comes from Psalm 91:4, “He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.”

I pray that regardless of circumstance you would always be aware and comforted by His presence and protection, that you would be able to rest in Him, and that you would know His peace.


  1. Julia Callicoat

    This week has been a very challenged week, BUT GOD, is all I can say!! I feel this picture becasue even though we might be surrounded by so many you still feel like no where is there and the words that are spoken to you just cant recieve because they are not from my Father’s voice!! I love that He never leaves me nor forsakes me and He sees me even when i feel I am unnoticed:) I love you Jesus

  2. Tami L

    I love this one too. I was dealing with struggles this weekend. We had a confernce at our church and it was about God’s glory. Wow, friday I left feeling confused and lost, /saturday came and I wasn’t sure if I was going to go back that day. I did, I wasn’t going to let the devil win this one or anything. Service was good and the evening one was even better. God is just so good and he will never leave us, he is always there to hold my hand and walk right by me.

  3. Gloria

    I came to this page 2 times today to look at “Never Alone”. It’s very comforting…and isn’t that so true, you feel like a helpless child at such times.

  4. Vicky

    This one is my heart. Being in therapy right now is important, but I need a DIVINE INTERVENTION. I’ve lost many loved ones through rejection (even from the womb), loss my 5 children (grown ups and 4 have declared as their Lord and Savior), but will not call. My inheritance of my 13 grand children. They do not know me. I’ve lost my beloved cockapoo ‘KIA’, I grieve inside for the little girl who was never protected and nutured as a child. Ultimately, I’m fighting the Good Fight to see anything of what my Father in Heaven would see in me. After mother died, God gave me a picture of Him holding a young girl and the caption reads, “I WILL NOT FAIL THEE” I so appreciate the dirty smudges on my face as to me this indicates that He is molding me and I ask people not to try to remove them. The colors are almost verbatim with the colors in my picture. I would like to know what you costs are as I am His reflection and made in HIS Image. I am a saved child of God since the age of 15. The Holy Spirit came to me in anouncing that “Just as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the Desert, so MUST the Son of Man be LIFTED UP! I’m a Warrior in Spirit and have been called “STONECUTTER”. I am sure Satan hates me and will do whatever to keep me from doing the WILL OF GOD. I need two scarves.

  5. Heidi

    Thank you this really ministered to me. I especially liked the scarf covered in His wings. It brought hope. God is so awesome!

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