Dyed4you Art’s commissioned artwork Dyed4you Art’s piece in use as program art for a local production
Tag: other ministries (Page 1 of 2)
Promised Kingdom is the fifth Dyed4you Art feature by Fire and Colour shared in a post called Promised Kingdom by Meghan Williams. It’s been such a joy being connected to Fire and Colour and so I was saddened to hear God is drawing this season to a close for her, so this is the last feature. I’ve found so many other anointed prophetic artists, so I encourage you to visit her blog while it’s still there so you can be blessed by them too! Continue reading
Altar of Praise is the fourth Dyed4you Art piece featured by Fire and Colour. They share it in a blog post called Altar of Praise by Meghan Williams. It’s been such a joy being connected to Fire and Colour and what God has them doing. I’ve been so blessed to find so many other anointed prophetic artists, and we hope you will be too. 🙂 Continue reading
Our friends at Fire and Colour featured another Dyed4you Art piece last week: The Seeker’s Keys by Meghan Williams The full word for our The Seeker’s Keys piece on its gallery page. This is the third piece of Dyed4you Art they’ve shared and I have enjoyed finding new artists as well. I recently bought Annorah by Candice van der Westhuizen (see below by my Heir of Promise) after she featured it because I fell in love with the flagger (imagine that right? LOL)! See it on my wall below as well as Larisa’s poster of The Seeker’s Keys. 🙂
Our friends at Fire and Colour are featuring another Dyed4you Art piece this week: Mighty Warrior by Meghan Williams. The full word for our Mighty Warrior piece can be found in its gallery page. They featured our Floodgates of Heaven piece back in June, and can I just say I have enjoyed not just all the amazing prophetic art they’ve been sharing on their blog, but the stunning layouts she creates to accent each art piece. She has an amazing eye and is a wonderful artist as well. I hope you’ll consider following her blog and being blessed by more of the work she shares 🙂
Our friends at Fire and Colour (whose color cards we have displayed in our dyeing area which we show on our color page) have changed up the focus on their site to include features about other prophetic artists. And we have the honor of being the first! Continue reading
This week’s release, Anointed Songbird, is one that I was inspired to create as I listened to worship leader Jenny Weaver. I knew my dear friend Emily (who you’ll find in a number of Dyed4you Art pieces) was going to be the subject in the piece because she is an anointed songbird as well. Love this piece and its word – I pray it blesses you! Continue reading
This week’s release is called Heavenly Ascent. It is based on the story of Jacob at Bethel with the dream of the angels ascending and descending from heaven. Earlier this year, we birthed a silk called Bethel (see video of a long flag in the Bethel style below). The flag in the video we share was the silk used in this art and we ultimately gifted both the flag and the art to our friends David and Claire of Called to Flag (read our whole post on our flags from them and more). You’ll see them opening their package from us in the second video below (she pulls out the Heavenly Ascent art piece about 30 seconds in). Continue reading
Anyone who follows our Dyed4you Ministries Facebook page knows that I (Meghan) love when God commingles anointings between ministries. Since a couple of the words Lana Vawser has given are quoted in silk letters, it blessed me when we were contacted by her husband wanting to use our Abundant Fruit image for the header on their ministry website. 🙂 Continue reading
I shared this on my personal blog, but given the nature of what we do here at Dyed4you and Dyed4you Ministries in general, I felt like this was worth sharing because this is how we strive to operate: in love. We desire to see the Body function in the prophetic in a healthy, biblical way. After having been in a prophetic ministry for over a decade, I have seen how easy it is for it to be used as a weapon and for people to be hurt, disillusioned, and fall away as a result of lack of teaching in the prophetic and people not operating in it in a biblical way. Continue reading
This week we’re introducing an image pair with a prophetic theme: The Seer (Ra’ah) and Prophetic Light. Both these images have our Prophetic Flow silk in them. The Prophetic Light image was inspired by PropheticLight.org, which is an awesome prophetic ministry that has been a big blessing to me personally as well as Dyed4you Ministries as a whole (since PropheticLight.org‘s words have ended up being quoted in a variety of art pieces and silks). We created the Prophetic Light image as a gift for June Reinke (the heart behind the ministry) along with a silk and she was very blessed by the gifts. Love how Papa God knows just how and when to touch each of us. We pray both these pieces and their words are a blessing to you! Continue reading
I find it so cool when we get to collaborate prophetically. As we operate in the flow, He moves through each of us and allows the various threads to interconnect and frankly I just find that beautiful!
This is written by a friend who is part of the Dyed4you Art community. She shares about her experiences with our Clothed with Power from on High piece, and an art piece she created that was inspired from it. This was originally a post from a forum in the Quickened Word (You’ll have to sign up to be able to access this post directly), which she tweaked specifically for us.  I hope you’re as blessed by it as I was! Continue reading
Deep Calls Unto Deep is the next image in the Revelation (mysteries of God) series. The original image of the worshipper was taken by Moonshine Designs and Photography and is being used with their permission, which we are grateful for because we LOVE the image and love how it worked into the art we’ve created. We hope you will too! Continue reading
Love this display of bridal art with James Nesbit’s Awaiting the King and Dyed4you Art’s Raining His Love. I enjoy seeing art by many prophetic artists and love even more seeing those images displayed together. James – having been key in launching Dyed4you Art (more about that on our About Us page) – always has a tender place in my heart. Continue reading
This is a commissioned piece we created a few months back for I’m Free a ministry serving molestation and incest survivors. The piece is based on John 8:36 (AMP) “So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free.” Some of the things I saw in the spirit going into this were dawn of a new day, broken chains, wings (spiritual warfare), and a kneeling “soul”. The image I was seeing was darker but, with the light – the dawn – breaking through. And all this came together to create this piece, which the ministry is using on its website (see below). Continue reading