So excited to be “officially” announcing the release of the newest piece in our Worship Warfare series: Heart Praise. This is another one that was birthed (along with a silk) and shared on my personal blog (Art: Heart Praise & Silk: New Song), but this one was unique in that the art was created first and the silk followed. Continue reading
Tag: MW blog
This week we’re officially releasing Saturated in Living Water, a piece that was soft released on my personal blog in mid-February along with the word for the silk in the image: Lush Growth (Flourisher). In January, Father had me begin sharing silk words He’d download to me during my quiet time (as opposed to the ones birthed with our whole team). Each word was like a treasure hunt and when complete they were often like mini bible studies. Then He began birthing art to go with some of the silks. This is the second of these combos (Joy Comes in the Morning was the first). Continue reading
This piece was finished just a few minutes ago. God impressed on my heart that many needed the reminder of this promise and that I should release it right away, so here is Joy Comes in the Morning. This image was originally inspired by an image one of my Dyed4you team members shared on Facebook (see below). I began tinkering with a new piece during a call with a dear friend from the Dyed4you community (we frequently do calls and pray and I’ll create while we talk), but it wasn’t coming together… I discovered later it was because the silk hadn’t been created yet. 🙂 Continue reading