More art inspired by the inspirational images we’ve created for our Facebook page! This is actually a pair of images that share the same word. They’re titled Stir it Up, and they’re part of the Worship Warfare series. When we shared a sneak preview of these on Facebook you all totally caught the feeling these were intended to share! The original inspy pic is below. As always, we pray these are a blessing to you as well as the word that goes with them. Continue reading
Category: Art Release (Page 12 of 15)
I have to say, I love God’s sense of humor. Normally I do a soft release on a Monday in our gallery followed by an announcement of the release on our blog on Friday, but when I realized God planned it that I’d be releasing a piece with a glory firework in it on the 4th of July (my apologies to my international friends for a decidedly US reference – but I love how Father nudges us with things that are specific references to each of us). Anyhow, I decided I’d post the announcement blog early so you guys could get a chuckle with me at this little wink from Papa. 🙂
In any case, this newest piece is called Glory Rain and I pray it (and its word) are a blessing to you! Continue reading
In Every Season is another image that began as an inspy pic to share on our Facebook page (below). As this image was fleshed out with the woodgrain edges in the final image (representing solidity, strength, and steadfastness), the scripture from Ecclesiastes 3 kept hovering in my mind. I kept pondering how easy it is to love God in the beautiful, easy seasons and how challenging it is to cling to Him in the dark and barren ones. Yet we’re called to remain steadfast. We hope this piece (the second image in our Inspirational series) serves as a beautiful reminder of that. Continue reading
The joy and freedom (and beauty) in our newest release is one that speaks to my heart and I hope it will to yours as well! This next image in the Inheritance series is called Exulting in His Salvation. Father’s been speaking to me through horses lately, so stay tuned for some more horse images in our releases in the coming weeks.
If you’re someone who prefers images with animals (or more specifically no people), we have tags for both those things as well as many others to make sorting through our images easier for you 🙂 Continue reading
I’m thrilled to be introducing a new personal favorite, Pervasive Light. This piece is the latest in our Revelation (Mysteries of God) series as well as being one of a number of our lighthouse images (which I’ve discovered many people have a particular affinity for, including my mother!). I pray you are blessed by this image and the word that goes with it! Continue reading
This piece began by simply me feeling the emotion behind this image: a sense of being overwhelmed, small, sometimes even scared. The Father highlighted the Dyed4you silk to me for this piece, Cleft of the Rock. And I could feel being hidden in the cleft with His hand covering me. Thus this piece began to unfold. I pray that Hidden in Him will be a timely word and an encouragement to others in a similar place to this. Continue reading
Our newest release is one we first created as an inspy image to share on Facebook (see below). It’s one that blessed so many people we thought folks might like to be able to order prints of it, so we tweaked it as lead by the Father and birthed the word to go along with it. It is the first of our Inspirational series as well as being part of our Storm and No Fear series. We pray it blesses you! Continue reading
After I created this new piece, Heaven’s Portal, I kept hearing this is “a” portal of heaven – as opposed to “the” portal; in other words not singular, but plural. This portal is simply one vision, one entry, much like as Jacob slept and the angels ascended and descended there was a portal opened to him. The point is about revelation of and even contact with the Father and with His realm. I pray this piece blesses you and challenges you to press in for more of Him! Continue reading
In the middle of a messy (stormy) season, I came across the base stock photo (below) I used for this image and it really hit home. The idea of His light shining – piercing all the darkness – and the fact that we need to keep our eyes fixed on it even as the waves feel like they’ll overtake us. He is our Light in the Storm. He is our fortress, our protection. We hide under His wings. All these pieces just came together in this piece, which is an expansion of the original image. Continue reading
Our newest piece, Watchful Sovereign, is both a reminder of His protection and a challenge into deeper relationship with Him. He is our Fiercely Jealous Lover. Steadfast and true. Always watchful and aware of us and our interests. He never leaves or forsakes us. May we rise to the challenge and give Him our all as He gives us His. We pray this new piece and its word are a blessing to you! Continue reading
The inspiration for Father’s Song came from two places: first from its name (which came from someone in the Dyed4you Art community), and the second from another art piece someone shared online (see below – wish I knew who the artist was!). The name (Father’s Song) had been percolating in my spirit for a month or so when I first saw the art piece and immediately began seeing a similar piece, but with a Dyed4you Art flair. Continue reading
Victory Assured is our newest Dyed4you Art piece and a bit different from previous pieces in that it’s more bloody, which we haven’t done before. But when thinking of spiritual victory one has to have in mind the blood of Christ, so the image didn’t seem complete without it. The juxtaposition of the promised paradise versus the bloody armor as well as the contrast of the sedentary waiting versus the action that takes place in battle leave this image as a visual contradiction. The word that goes with the art is a powerful one. We pray it blesses you! Continue reading
So excited about this powerful new Dyed4you Art image! This one already graces the walls of my home (see below), I’m hoping it will bless and minister to you all as well. This is another Dyed4you Art image that was inspired by one of the inspirational images we created to share on our Facebook page (see the original inspirational image below). The name of this image is Open Gateway. Hope it blesses you! Continue reading
Last week we released the first part of this duet (Dance with the Wind), and this week we’re releasing the next image in the Dance series and other half of the duet, Dance with Fire. These pieces bring a message of restoration and purification. This is another Dyed4you Art image that was inspired by one of the inspirational images we created to share on our Facebook page (next week is another inspy-inspired piece too). See the original inspirational image below. Hope you are blessed by all these images! Continue reading
Excited to be releasing the next image in the Dance series, Dance with the Wind. In addition to being part of a larger series, this image is also part of a duet. The second piece in the duet will release soon. It’s called Dance with Fire. These pieces are powerful individually and as a set. They bring a message of restoration and purification. Hope you’re blessed by them! Continue reading