This is a fun art story from someone who received an Anointed Songbird card (see our card packs) in the mail with a printed copy of the word that goes with it (read it here). Here’s what she shared:
It’s almost like you read my journal so much of it fits…almost to the letter… It’s incredible!
I love what you write, so beautiful. You stepped into my pocket, right into my Spirit and read my conversations with Popa! It’s like you you there incredibly beyond words .. Supernatural!..
On social media, she shared a picture as well as this post:
Meghan, is a Prophetic Designer who waits upon the Lord in order to birth His creation given to her personally. She is an anointed, gifted writer as well.
Meghan, a precious friend sent me this card in the mail. With it came words on two sides of a paper with words to the meaning of this Art piece and scriptures.
A perfect fit for me .. I cried and sent her a message expressing my delight and the incredible words on the page ..
As if she had stepped into my pocket, into my Spirit and heard my conversation with Popa, as I penned them in my journal. Almost to the letter but not quite for I have journaled for years. Bits and pieces written on pages of my journey with Popa … our conversations.
Incredibly! SUPERNATURAL… Prophetic..
I am still in AWE!
I most Certainly have to purchase this Art Piece. The words written on the picture are the words I sent to Meghan. Our Father is Awesome!
What a heart-felt blessing. I had to share ..
Only Popa! ♥️
So awesome! I never grow tired of seeing how Papa touches lives through the work He’s doing at Dyed4you Ministries. People feel seen, known, and loved – and that is BEAUTIFUL! 🙌🏻
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