Excited to introduce to you this week both our newest release, Blessed Beyond a Curse, and our first multi-art word, Forever Faithful. Last week we introduced Heir of Promise and shared that it was originally created as a Prophetic “Portrait”. When we went to create the Prophetic “Portrait” we realized there was more than one art piece there. So we birthed a second art piece and word to surprise her with.
What-is a “Multi” Word
Recently in Dyed4you, we’ve started birthing what we call “multi-silk” words. These started with the first double layer wings we created and then began being used as we increased mismatched silk pairings. He has birthed some neat combinations! Here’s an example of a multi-silk word we shared on our Dyed4you Ministries blog: Eyes Wide Open.
Essentially you can think of “multi” words sort of like a recipe: when you add multiple ingredients, your result is something more than just the two ingredients – you’ve created something new entirely. In the same way, with the “multi” words, you get the words that go with the original pieces, but also an additional word that that takes on the inherent meaning of the combined words. In the example of these Prophetic “Portraits”, you had a night “God is faithful” image and a day “God is faithful” image which resulted in a pairing that reminds us day and night He is Forever Faithful.
So as we were birthing the Prophetic “Portrait” for this individual, when we realized there wasn’t ONE Prophetic “Portrait”, but rather a pair of them, we began seeking the Father for the multi-art word that would go with the pairing. Thus was birthed Forever Faithful.
This grouping ended up being a doozy to birth because it includes a total of seven words (3 silk and one multi-silk, 2 art and one multi-art). Gratefully the recipient was patient as we unraveled all Papa wanted to share and in the end was immensely blessed (as we shared briefly last week, and a longer testimony is forthcoming).
Read the full words for Blessed Beyond a Curse and Forever Faithful
Wow! Awesome. This goes even more with my idea of whole sets like the Armor of God. So excited to see what He does next!