Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Introducing: Bloom Unashamed

Bloom UnashamedThe inspiration for the newest Dyed4you Art piece came from an inspirational image we created to share on our Facebook page (see image below). This is the second time this has happened (the first was our Mourning into Dancing piece). This new image is called Bloom Unashamed and the word that goes with it speaks to our identity and being content to be who we were created to be rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others. 

We pray it blesses you 🙂

Read the full word for Bloom Unashamed

Bloom - Dyed4you Art - inspirational image


  1. elaine h

    WOW! That’s all I can say! Thanks for the reminder that my part is just as important as any other in His eyes! The word for this piece is incredible.

    Thank you for hearing Abba and allowing Him to use your talents to His Glory.


  2. Karen Douglas

    Beautiful! I love it.

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