Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Confirmation & a Touch from God

You all remember the recent 16×20 Giveaway, well when I went to ship the prophetic choice 16×20, Father told me to include an additional 5×7 photo (with the word of course) as well.  So I sent the 16×20 of Worship Warfare and a 5×7 of Rightful Place, below you’ll find the recipient’s art story 🙂

Just a reminder – our follow-up double giveaway is still going on!

I was amazingly blessed today. My love gifts from Papa (via your ministry) showed up on my doorstep. I was so excited I wanted to lock the door and be alone to see what He had for me. I was not disappointed.

As I looked at Worship Warfare, I started crying and I got physically touched over and over by His Presence. Thank you for your generosity and obedience.

As I opened Rightful Place and was blown away by it’s beauty, I was even more stunned by the prophetic description and words attached to them. Both of them are a confirmation of a shift in the spirit for me.

Yesterday I met with a leader of our church and we discussed the children’s ministry I had started and led 9 years ago. She is kind of overseeing it right now. We were talking about an event for the children. I asked her what the theme was and she hadn’t gotten that far. I asked the Lord and he immediately said “Come to the Water”. When I saw these.. that came back to me.

May the blessings you have given to Jesus and me come back to you overflowing.

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  1. Stephanie O

    Beautiful story! I love hearing how our wonderful Father personalizes each prophetic gift and tailors it specifically to the recipient! Our Creator knows us so intimately and chooses to show us that we are His beloved in the most deep and sincere ways. He is AMAZING!!!!!!! 

  2. Elaine

    Thanks for sharing! What an awesome testimony!! Blessings

  3. Merri T

    Beautiful testimony! .YHWH is such a good and loving Abba! 😉 ..Thank YOU my Yeshua Hamashiach, my Lord Jesus and lover of my soul, for every good gift you hold in your hands just for us! 😉 <3

  4. Tonia

    Our Lord and Beloved is so awesome. I never tire of hearing how simple obedience can bring such joy and life to others. Thank you both for blessing us with this testimony.

  5. Linette

    He knows us and loves us so well! 🙂

  6. Carol Wyland

    Papa is so awesome! He knows just what each of us needs!

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