Seek the Light reminds to keep our eyes on the Light no matter how much the darkness presses in around us. God is with us and He covers us in the shadow of His wings.
- Isaiah 53:4-5 (VOICE) Yet it was our suffering he carried, our pain and distress, our sick-to-the-soul-ness. We just figured that God had rejected him, that God was the reason he hurt so badly. But he was hurt because of us; he suffered so. Our wrongdoing wounded and crushed him. He endured the breaking that made us whole. The injuries he suffered became our healing.
- Psalm 30:10-11 (VOICE) Hear me, Eternal Lord—please help me, Eternal One—be merciful!” You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing; You stripped off my dark clothing and covered me with joyful light.
- Psalm 18:4-6, 9-11, 16-19 (VOICE) The bonds of death encircled me; the currents of destruction tugged at me; The sorrows of the grave wrap around me; the traps of death lay in wait for me. In my time of need, I called to the Eternal; I begged my True God for help. He heard my voice echo up to His temple, and my cry came to His ears. He bent the heavens and descended; inky darkness was beneath His feet. He rode upon a heavenly creature, flying; He was carried quickly on the wings of the wind. He took darkness as His hiding place— both the dark waters of the seas and the dark clouds of the sky. He reached down His hand from above me; He held me. He lifted me from the raging waters. He rescued me from my strongest enemy, from all those who sought my death, for they were too strong. They came for me in the day of my destruction, but the Eternal was the support of my life. He set me down in a safe place; He saved me to His delight; He took joy in me.
A word from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this. It is called “The God Who Sees.”
Genesis 16:13 (VOICE) As a result of this encounter, Hagar decided to give the Eternal One who had spoken to her a special name because He had seen her in her misery. Hagar: I’m going to call You the God of Seeing because in this place I have seen the One who watches over me.
Beloved, in the midst of your pain, remember that I see. I see you, the beautiful soul I have made in My image. I see the scars you bear and every unhealed wound that needs addressing. I see all and I care for every part of you. I am not a God who is distant and unsympathetic to your suffering. I do not look upon you with shame or rejection. You are Mine and My love for you is irrevocable. Nothing could ever cause Me to change My opinion of you.
When I look at you, beloved, I see you through the filter of My Blood. I have shared your grief intimately, taking it on as My own. I love you so deeply that I have already paid the price in advance to make you whole. There is nothing else you need to do but to receive and rest in My atonement. Simply let go and allow My love to wash over you and repair you.
In the midst of the darkness, remember I AM your light. The truth of who you are in Me is never diminished or erased from My mind. Therefore, lean into Me and allow Me to speak truth into your ears. Lay your head upon My chest and hear what My hearts speaks to you. As you rest in My embrace, the words of My heart will lead you home again. Trust in Me for we will brave this storm together. I Am the God who will see you through.
Isaiah 53:4-5 (VOICE) Yet it was our suffering he carried, our pain and distress, our sick-to-the-soul-ness. We just figured that God had rejected him, that God was the reason he hurt so badly. But he was hurt because of us; he suffered so. Our wrongdoing wounded and crushed him. He endured the breaking that made us whole. The injuries he suffered became our healing.
A Prophetic Nugget from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries is connected to this. It’s called “El Roi (the God Who Sees).”
Genesis 16:13 (CSB) So she named the LORD who spoke to her: “You are El-roi,” for she said, “In this place, have I actually seen the one who sees me?”
Beloved, I see you. I AM the God who sees. Nothing is beyond My notice. In the depths of despair or deepest wounding, I AM by your side. I see, and I hurt with you. My love for you is beyond measure. In moments you have been wronged, I see, and I will hold you and strengthen you. Forgive, and trust Me to deal with the situations that cause pain or frustration and the people connected to them.
Bring your heart to Me. Share your heart – with all its hurt – with Me. Let Me share in these moments with you. Remember that I have been hurt and I have been wronged. I have been accused and misunderstood. I see you, beloved, and I understand. I AM with you always. Surrender to My love.
Genesis 16:13-14 (VOICE) As a result of this encounter, Hagar decided to give the Eternal One who had spoken to her a special name because He had seen her in her misery. Hagar: I’m going to call You the God of Seeing because in this place I have seen the One who watches over me. Because of this, the well between Kadesh and Bered is called Beer-lahai-roi, which means, “Well of the Living One who watches over me.”
Bethel Music’s song “God I Look to You” is connected to this. The song reminds us that no matter what is going on around us, we need to keep our eyes firmly fixed on God. It is a declaration of truths that He is good and He reigns – beautiful reminders in the moments we feel overwhelmed.
Another Prophetic Nugget from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries is connected to this. It’s called “Waiting for Dawn.”
Psalm 30:5 (VOICE) …The deepest pains may linger through the night, but joy greets the soul with the smile of morning.
Beloved, remember that morning always comes. The night may seem dark and endless, but eventually, without fail, it gives way to the new day.
Stand on that promise, and know that I AM always with you – in darkness and day. You are never abandoned. Resist the urge to ask fruitless questions or make accusations, and instead stand fast and hold My hand as you wait for dawn to come.
A series of four Prophetic Nuggets from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries are connected to this. They are based on Psalm 18:16-19, which in the Passion Translation reads, “He then reached down from heaven, all the way from the sky to the sea. He reached down into my darkness to rescue me! He took me out of my calamity and chaos and drew me to himself, taking me from the depths of my despair! Even though I was helpless in the hands of my hateful, strong enemy, you were good to deliver me. When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked— but the Lord held on to me. His love broke open the way and he brought me into a beautiful broad place. He rescued me—because his delight is in me!”
The first Prophetic Nugget of this series is called “My Light Pierces the Harshest Night.”
Psalm 18:16 (TPT) …He reached down into my darkness to rescue me! He took me out of my calamity and chaos and drew me to himself, taking me from the depths of my despair!
Beloved, no darkness is too deep for Me to reach you. For My light pierces even the harshest night. So though the walls may seem to be closing in and the pit seems unbearably deep, rest assured, beloved, I AM with you and I AM mighty to save. I AM drawing you to My side.
And in the darkness when you cannot see and your senses feel impaired, remember that is where faith is made strongest, because you must choose to blindly trust in Me. So refuse to let the darkness overtake you, and cling tightly to My hand. For I AM faithful and no hardship of the night is enough to convince Me to leave your side. I AM with you always, so cling to Me.
The second Prophetic Nugget of this series is called “Palet (Deliverer).”
Psalm 18:17 (TPT) Even though I was helpless in the hands of my hateful, strong enemy, you were good to deliver me.
Beloved, I will not leave you in a pit of despair. I will always extend My hand and offer a means of escape. So grab hold and refuse to let go. I AM good and faithful and true. I AM Palet, your deliverer – your rock and your fortress. You are not helpless when you are resting in Me.
So choose to give thanks for My mighty hand. And resist the urge to believe the lies that you are worthless and alone. Instead listen to My truth, for I AM a good Father, and I protect those who are My own. And, beloved, you are Mine.
The third Prophetic Nugget of this series is called “Shadow of My Wings.”
Psalm 18:18 (TPT) When I was at my weakest, my enemies attacked— but the Lord held on to me.
Beloved, I AM your strength. When the enemy comes – for he surely always will – look to Me and grab My hand. I will not let you go. I hold you tightly and cover you in the shadow of My wings.
I AM your covering – your safe place in the storm. And just as you seek shelter from the natural elements – not choosing to run outside in a hail storm, so be wise and stay tucked in My safety. Resist the urge to “be independent” and refuse to seek My shelter in the storm, for if you will let Me, I will happily hold you in My everlasting arms. Simply turn to Me.
The final Prophetic Nugget of this series is called “Dwell in Safety with Me.”
Psalm 18:19 (TPT) His love broke open the way and he brought me into a beautiful broad place. He rescued me—because his delight is in me!
Beloved, even on your darkest day, I still delight in you. My love for you is unchanging. I do not grow tired of whatever hardship or the pain you are experiencing, but rather I patiently and steadfastly walk by your side until the morning comes.
So let My love expand a place of joy and beauty and truth for you to rest. And take My hand and let Me rescue you from the one who seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. He is no match for Me. So dwell, beloved, in safety with Me.
For King & Country’s song “God Only Knows” is connected to this. This song highlights that God and God alone knows and understands our hearts. He intimately knows the pain and sorrows that each of us carries (whether those injuries came through our own sin or trespasses against us). God knows and yet He loves us with an undying love. He sees past the sin, shame, grief, and lies and to the beautiful soul that He created. And the love of God, which was reflected on the Cross, is the very thing which has paid the price to heal and restore us—in body, mind, and soul.
A final Prophetic Nugget from Meghan Williams of Dyed4you Ministries is connected to this. It’s called “Faithful to the End.”
Psalm 30:11 (VOICE) You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing; You stripped off my dark clothing and covered me with joyful light.
Beloved, I AM faithful to the end. I always see you, for I AM El Roi, the God who sees. I AM equipped and fully able. I fiercely love My children. I AM devoted, and I move on your behalf. Rejoice in that victory. Give praise and honor to My name. Let the earth be filled with the sound of your joy, and may your life testify to the goodness of who I AM.
When the daylight comes and the night has passed, do not withhold your praise – not from a place of obligation, but from an overflow of love and joy. May your heart burst forth in zealous declaration that the God you serve – the only true God – is good and worthy of all praise.
Hillsong’s song “Even When It Hurts” is connected to this. The lyrics of this song are a declaration that no matter how painful or bleak the situation we find ourselves in, God is worthy of our praise, and we choose to give Him the praise due His name. And that even as He finally breaks through the darkness we’re experiencing and we gaze upon the dawn, even then we won’t forget Him and will continue to give Him praise.
A post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “This Foe has a Name {poem}.“
Note: This was written in late 2018 though as I was birthing the Seek the Light Dyed4you Art piece. I didn’t feel led to share it for nearly a year. I’ve had ongoing struggles with depression (and lost a cousin to it as well). Unfortunately, this foe is more prevalent than one might think. Too often in christian circles we give pat advice like, “You just need to read your bible more” or implying if they would just “praise more” or “be more grateful” they would be ok.
As a result, many who struggle hide what they’re going through by withdrawing or wearing a mask. Depression isn’t simply feeling sad. We can know through it all God is faithful and present, but that doesn’t stop the onslaught. I encourage you to find ways to be supportive if you have someone in your world who shares this struggle. Ask them how you can best support them, and resist the urge to think you know how to “pull them out of it.” And most of all, cover them in prayer because God is faithful.
With all that said, this is a poem of sorts that I wrote while I was in the midst of one of my moments. I shared my struggles during a Lunchtime Live on Dyed4you Ministries’s Facebook Page, and was overwhelmed by how many others shared this foe. Their response is what prompted the creation of Seek the Light (which this poem is now a part of).
This Foe has a Name
So overwhelming it seems light will never shine againDespair
The screams inside my head, the torture endlessNo weak and fruitless substitute
Can fill this void inside
No food, no drug, no counterfeit
The need won’t be deniedIt aches and hungers day by day
And never seems to wane
The pain so stark – it terrifies
The hope, it dwindles – dreams begin to dieIt feels as though it will never end
And yet oh Lord and yetThis foe has a name
But no depression can win
Against the One who on a word
Brought light from nothing
EmptinessI hide in a corner, or just wear a mask
Just to engage is an overwhelming task
Stop asking me questions, it all feels so much
I’m drowning in blackness, I can’t feel Your touchEven when the dark seems deadly
And it feels no light is found
Let Your love woo me, Lord
Let Your loving arms surroundAnd even when the darkness closes in
And it seeps into my bones
Your light still shines, Your presence is here
And if Your face I see
I trust You, Lord
I cling to You
You are my victorySo even when the blackness
Seems overwhelmingly bleak
Still my eyes look for You,
Your heart I always seekThough tears may fall and hearts may ache
I look to You – You won’t forsake
So through the hurt and through the pain
I cling to You again and again
The name of the silk in this image is Surrender. The color in it is white representing surrender.
Father, we choose to look to You – especially when we feel overwhelmed. We trust our hearts in Your capable hands. You are good. You are sovereign. And You love your children and will never leave us or forsake us. We trust you in every moment, including the darkest ones. You are still good no matter what.
Note: The word with this piece was expanded in November 2019.
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