Breathing Life reminds us that the Lord is fully able to bring forth life even when all hope seems gone, so instead cling to hope and be steadfast in faith that the One who is the giver of all life is able to bring healing and restoration in ways that are overwhelmingly and beautifully miraculous.
- Ezekiel 37:3-6 (VOICE) [beginning with Voice’s Commentary] [This oracle may be one of the best known in Ezekiel’s prophecy. God’s promise of a new heart and a new spirit echoes Jeremiah’s new covenant prophecy (Jeremiah 31:31-34). What God’s people need more than anything is for God to do a work of grace within them. Like other prophets of his day, Ezekiel is convinced that heaven must intervene in order to fix what is wrong on earth. It is not enough for people to try harder and do better. This work of grace begins with God cleansing His people with fresh water. Idolatry and various sins have made them impure and unclean, so before they can be restored, they must be made pure by the washing of water. Then, once God gives them a new heart, His people will become willing covenant partners; they will give up on their rebellious, hurtful ways and embrace God’s designs for their lives. With a new spirit—which seems to be nothing other than God’s Spirit living in and among them—they will have the desire and ability to live out God’s reasonable demands on them. God insists that all He intends to do to save and redeem His people is not for their good; He is working to restore His good name. God’s covenant people have given Him a bad reputation among the nations, so God must act in His own interest to make sure His name is given the honor it is due.] Eternal One (to Ezekiel): Son of man, do you think these bones can live? Ezekiel: Eternal Lord, certainly You know the answer better than I do. Eternal One: Actually, I do. Prophesy to these bones. Tell them to listen to what the Eternal Lord says to them: “Dry bones, I will breathe breath into you, and you will come alive. I will attach muscles and tendons to you, cause flesh to grow over them, and cover you with skin. I will breathe breath into you, and you will come alive. After this happens, you will know that I am the Eternal.”
- Isaiah 35:1-8 (VOICE) Imagine the wilderness whooping for joy, the desert’s unbridled happiness with its spring flowers. It will happen! The deserts will come alive with new growth budding and blooming, singing and celebrating with sheer delight. The glory of Lebanon’s cedars and the majesty of Carmel and Sharon will spill over to the deserts. The glory of the Eternal One will be on full display there, and they will revel in the majestic splendor of our God. So, with confidence and hope in this message, strengthen those with feeble hands, shore up the weak-kneed and weary. Tell those who worry, the anxious and fearful, “Take strength; have courage! There’s nothing to fear. Look, here—your God! Right here is your God! The balance is shifting; God will right all wrongs. None other than God will give you success. He is coming to make you safe.” Then, such healing, such repair: the eyes of the blind will be opened; the ears of the deaf will be clear. The lame will leap like deer excited; they will run and jump tirelessly and gracefully . The stutterer, the stammerer, and the tongue of the mute will sing out loud and clear in joyful song. Waters will pour through the deserts; streams will flow in godforsaken lands. Burning sands and hardened wastelands will become pools, shimmering with life; the thirsty ground will drink deep from refreshing springs. Abandoned villages where predators once lurked will become grassy playgrounds. Dry, arid land will turn lush and green. And the road to this happy renovation will be clearly signed. People will declare the way itself to be holy—the route, “sacred.” Only those who are right with God will be able to walk its pleasant path…
A Gemstone Reflection entitled “Wind of Life“ by Naudia Willbroad is connected to this.
{Vision} The Lion of Judah breathing life on earth and creation and that which looked dead began coming alive again. The River of Life was flowing from between His feet. A child stood next to Him with a hand on Him and was laughing with joy and delight. The sense was this child was saying “Again! Again! Do it again!”
After this vision several words were highlighted to me: delight, laughter, joy, creation, restoring, renewing, tenderness, repentance and redemption, freedom to create, creative breath.
A song was also highlighted to me, “Spring Up Oh Well,” by Phil Wickham. This song speaks of the River of Life flowing out of us, God’s children, and how it brings healing and miracles. It also speaks of how we need to call upon that well to spring up in us to bring healing and restoration in us.
As I meditated on the words to this song I realized God was showing me that I needed to declare truth over my life and repent of any lies I had been believing that was stopping up the spring of God in me.
As I continued to ponder on what God was revealing through the vision and song I was directed to several scriptures: Isaiah 12:2-6 (AMP), Lamentations 3:22-25 (AMP), Ezekiel 37:4 (AMP), Ezekiel 37:9 (AMP), Psalms 103 (TPT)(AMP)(CJB).
Some revelation I feel that God is bringing through this journey is that God wants to work together with us to create and bring new fresh life. He wants to remove the dryness and restore His people. He wants to work with His sons and daughters to accomplish this mission. He knows how wounded and tired many of His children are and He is calling for a reset. He is calling for a new birth. He wants His children to come unto Him and receive His blessing. He wants to restore the joy of walking in His love and partnering with Him in His creation. He is revealing His tenderness and restoring His children with great care and faithfulness.
He is calling on us to declare His word of truth to break off old mindsets and the deceptions of the enemy. As we declare and praise His name His mighty wind of life will restore what seemed dead and His living water will renew our strength, our passion and our joy. We will celebrate His goodness and walk in His abundance of joy as He celebrates over us. We will once again partner with Him, creating with Him, laughing with great joy over all that is accomplished. New life will be awakened in all creation and we will declare the praises of our God and King, our Father over all!
This is a series of four Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams that are connected by scripture / theme. It is a series of four Prophetic Nuggets based on Ezekiel 37:1, 4-5, 9-10 (VOICE):
The Eternal had a hold on me, and I couldn’t escape it. The divine wind of the Eternal One picked me up and set me down in the middle of the valley, but this time it was full of bones. Eternal One: …Prophesy to these bones. Tell them to listen to what the Eternal Lord says to them: “Dry bones, I will breathe breath into you, and you will come alive. Eternal One: Prophesy to the breath. Speak, son of man, and tell them what the Eternal Lord has to say: “O sweet breath, come from the four winds and breathe into these who have been killed. Make these corpses come alive.” So I did what God told me to do: I prophesied to the breath. As I was speaking, breath invaded the lifeless. The bodies came alive and stood on their feet. I realized then I was looking at a great army.
The first Prophetic Nugget is called “Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).”
Ezekiel 37:1 (VOICE) The Eternal had a hold on me, and I couldn’t escape it. The divine wind of the Eternal One picked me up and set me down in the middle of the valley, but this time it was full of bones.
Beloved, yield to My flow. Allow My Spirit to move you into position – even (and perhaps especially) when you don’t know where that is supposed to be. You don’t need to be in control, or insist on understanding all My leadings before you’ll submit. On the contrary, true faith is trusting Me without fully understanding. Trusting that I will tell you what you need to know and will lead you where you need to go.
My Ruach HaKodesh – Holy Spirit – My breath, My wind – can be trusted to bring life, to lead, to heal, to renew, and so much more. So trust in Me. Yield and flow. Ride the currents of My breath and allow the wind of the Spirit to carry you – as if on wings – where you need to be.
The second Prophetic Nugget is called “My Breath Brings Life.”
Ezekiel 37:4-5 (VOICE) Eternal One: …Prophesy to these bones. Tell them to listen to what the Eternal Lord says to them: “Dry bones, I will breathe breath into you, and you will come alive.
Beloved, My breath brings life. I spoke the world into existence – My breath carrying My words, stirring life from nothingness. Understand that no situation is beyond My reach and My redemption. Refuse to underestimate the power of My breath.
For I AM the life giver, and healing is in My wings. Face the wind with arms thrown wide and embrace all My Spirit would bring. Listen, beloved. Listen and respond, for nothing can hold back the life carried on My breath. So breathe Me in, and receive the life-giving wind of My Spirit.
The third Prophetic Nugget is called “Invite Me to Breathe.”
Ezekiel 37:9 (VOICE) Eternal One: Prophesy to the breath. Speak, son of man, and tell them what the Eternal Lord has to say: “O sweet breath, come from the four winds and breathe into these who have been killed. Make these corpses come alive.”
Beloved, open your mouth and ask Me to breathe. Invite the wind of My Spirit to move. Welcome Me and the mighty working power of My Spirit. Have eyes to see the dry bones in your life and in the world around you, and ask Me to breathe – knowing My breath brings life.
Prophesy, beloved. Call forth My wind, and make ready for Me to move. For My breath is life, and life that cannot be restrained but rather bursts forth with wild abandon – its very existence a testimony to the power I bring. So prophesy, beloved, and invite Me to breathe.
The fourth Prophetic Nugget is called “Expect Multiplication.”
Ezekiel 37:10 (VOICE) So I did what God told me to do: I prophesied to the breath. As I was speaking, breath invaded the lifeless. The bodies came alive and stood on their feet. I realized then I was looking at a great army.
Beloved, when I bring life, I bring it abundantly. So expect multiplication. Expect the supernatural. Expect above and beyond all you can imagine, for I AM able. I AM El Elyon – the most high God, so refuse to think small.
Know that My life force is not some weak powerless thing. It is bold and invasive – it eradicates death, negating its power. So prophesy life and welcome My breath, for I AM Chay Elohim – the living God, and there is no death in Me.
A post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “Speak Life (Ezekiel 37).”
James 3:9-11 (VOICE) Ironically this same tongue can be both an instrument of blessing to our Lord and Father and a weapon that hurls curses upon others who are created in God’s own image. One mouth streams forth both blessings and curses. My brothers and sisters, this is not how it should be. Does a spring gush crystal clear freshwater and moments later spurt out bitter salt water?
Beloved, would you be a vessel for darkness? And yet the temptation to speak the things of darkness into existence is strong, but you are stronger. So refuse to give in to bitterness and anger, jealousy and hatred, greed and destruction. Look to the root that wants to bear such fruit and invite Me to move. Then as you trust My sovereignty, watch as I bring forth beauty from ashes and give joy for mourning.
Be intentional, beloved, to speak life into that which you wish to see grow. Bless, and do not curse. Extend grace and forgiveness even when none is warranted. Remember that you yourself were once in need of it from Me and it was not withheld. Life begets life. So sow life and reap more life. Bless, and share My love simply because you are able. Be a vessel of good, and a mouthpiece of truth – My truth. Be rooted in love, and speak life.
Ezekiel 37:3-10 (VOICE) [including Voice commentary]
Eternal One (to Ezekiel): Son of man, do you think these bones can live?
Ezekiel: Eternal Lord, certainly You know the answer better than I do.
Eternal One: Actually, I do. Prophesy to these bones. Tell them to listen to what the Eternal Lord says to them: “Dry bones, I will breathe breath into you, and you will come alive. I will attach muscles and tendons to you, cause flesh to grow over them, and cover you with skin. I will breathe breath into you, and you will come alive. After this happens, you will know that I am the Eternal.” [God is not only the Creator of life, but He is also the Restorer of life.]
So I did what God told me to do: I prophesied to the bones. As I was speaking, I heard a loud noise—a rattling sound—and all the bones began to come together and form complete skeletons. I watched and saw muscles and tendons attach to the bones, flesh grow over them, and skin wrap itself around the reforming bodies. But there was still no breath in them.
Eternal One: Prophesy to the breath. Speak, son of man, and tell them what the Eternal Lord has to say: “O sweet breath, come from the four winds and breathe into these who have been killed. Make these corpses come alive.”
So I did what God told me to do: I prophesied to the breath. As I was speaking, breath invaded the lifeless. The bodies came alive and stood on their feet. I realized then I was looking at a great army.
Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “The Great I AM.”
Psalm 84:11 (TPT) For the Lord God is brighter than the brilliance of a sunrise! Wrapping himself around me like a shield, he is so generous with his gifts of grace and glory. Those who walk along his paths with integrity will never lack one thing they need, for he provides it all!
Beloved, My glory fills the heavens and the earth, what can stand against Me? I AM your protector – the lifter of your head – nothing will I withhold from those who love Me and walk in accordance with My word. I give grace to the humble, joy to the weary, and rest to the heavy-laden. Find your strength in Me.
Look to Me. I AM where your help comes from. I breathe life into dry bones and bring the waters of refreshing by My Spirit. Nothing is too hard for Me. I AM the great I AM. Find your strength in Me. I AM the great I AM. Find safety in My wings.
Psalm 84:11 (NOG) Yahweh Elohim is a sun and Magen. Yahweh grants favor and honor. He does not hold back any blessing from those who live innocently.
Psalm 84:11 (AMP) For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord bestows grace and favor and honor; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly.
A prophetic download from Nan DeNoyer is connected to this. It’s called “Breathe.”
Beloved, breathe… breathe in the atmosphere of heaven… God’s breath of life… be refreshed by the essence of God’s nature.
Close your eyes, meditate on the image of Yeshua. Open your spiritual eyes that you might see Him. See His eyes full of love for you, Beloved. With open arms He welcomes you. Hear His voice call your name, “Beloved of Mine.” Feel His embrace as He draws you near His heart. He whispers words of endearment and encouragement in your ear. You feel His breath against your cheek as He speaks, “All is well, Beloved, all is well. I have gone before you, made the crooked way straight. I am leading you to green pastures with springs of water for you to drink of – meadows of flowers with fruit to eat. Come, Beloved of Mine, come”.
A post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this [ref. Hebrew4Christians]. It’s called “Hey/Hei (Breath).”
The Hebrew letter “hey” (or hei) according to Jewish mystics means “breath” or “revelation.” This letter is also said to represent God’s creative power. This too is connected back to that sense of “breath” or specifically the “breath of God’s mouth” because “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth” [Psalm 33:6 (KJV)].
We see more examples of “hey” representing breath when God changes Abram and Sarai’s names to Abraham and Sarah – the change being the addition of a “hey” – the breath of God or His Spirit. Interestingly, adding a “hey” to the end of a noun in Hebrew makes it feminine (allows it to be fruitful/reproductive/multiplying).
May each of us choose to embrace that breath – the Spirit of God. May we allow it to bring life and multiplication. May we embrace the possibility of creative miracles. May we speak life with that breath pouring from us just as we’ve received it into us. May we embrace the deepest revelations of God. And may God make Himself known to us even more through His breath and all the power it brings.
{Artist note} This piece, created as a commissioned piece of art, originated with the vision and spiritual stirrings Naudia (a member of the Dyed4you Team) had that was shared in the first prophetic download. As she shared what she’d received with me, she released me to create the artistic rendition as Papa led. Creating someone else’s vision is always an interesting challenge, and not one I always will take on – it depends if I feel a stirring for it as well, which obviously in this case I did.
With this one, the visual came so hard and fast I had to get it created right away. I could see the Lion of Judah breathing and life coming forth in the desert and it blooming and refreshing springs pooling and moving (Isaiah 35). Then the dove was added as a visual representation of Spirit – that movement of the breath of God. Again sealed with that rainbow promise.
Father, thank You for breathing life – even (and most especially) in situations where life and restoration seem nigh on impossible, and yet You are the God of the impossible for NOTHING is impossible for You. So we choose to be steadfast in hopeful expectation and we rejoice as we see the impact of Your breath all around us.
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