Healing Flow: Standing in Joy-Filled Authority reminds us of the joyful (joy-filled) process of receiving healing through the finished work of the cross as we claim our scriptural promises and stand firm.
- Proverbs 17:22 (TPT) A joyful, cheerful heart brings healing to both body and soul. But the one whose heart is crushed struggles with sickness and depression.
- Luke 10:19 (AMP) Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you. Nevertheless do not rejoice at this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.
- 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (AMP) Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and encouragement and the good [well-founded] hope [of salvation] by His grace, comfort and encourage and strengthen your hearts [keeping them steadfast and on course] in every good work and word.
- Isaiah 61:3 (VOICE) As for those who grieve over Zion, God has sent me to give them a beautiful crown in exchange for ashes, To anoint them with gladness instead of sorrow, to wrap them in victory, joy, and praise instead of depression and sadness. People will call them magnificent, like great towering trees standing for what is right. They stand to the glory of the Eternal who planted them.
A crystalline download from Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Sacred Healing.”
Step into the quiet place and be enfolded by Divine Love. It’s time for deeper levels of healing in your innermost heart and the seat of your sacred place – your spirit. Allow creative forces to flow and refresh and renew the dry and weary places of your soul.
This is a new season. There’s no reason to carry the hurt and wounds from previous seasons along for the journey, so choose to release. Choose to forgive. Choose to let go. Be made new. From the depths, refreshing washes over you. Receive.
A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Choose Joy.”
Proverbs 17:22 (NLT) A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.
Beloved, choose joy for it is not based on circumstance. It is found in My presence. It is always there for you and it strengthens you. Literally. It builds you up and heals your heart – and it is even healing to your body.
Refuse to be tempted to bitterness, resentment, anger, or hopelessness. Rather shift your heart to focus on that which is good – clinging to the truth of My promises in the face of opposition and being steadfast in joy when confronted with trials.
Joy is a choice. Cling to gratitude regardless of circumstance, and shift the atmosphere with your laughter for I AM good. That truth always remains. So beloved, be intentional to always choose joy. It is contagious. A blessing that spreads. Be a catalyst. Choose joy.
Proverbs 17:22 (VOICE) A joy-filled heart is curative balm, but a broken spirit hurts all the way to the bone.
Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “I Delight to Prosper You.”
Deuteronomy 30:9-10 (AMP) Then the Lord your God shall make you abundantly prosperous in everything that you do, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your cattle and in the produce of your land; for the Lord will again delight over you for good, just as He delighted over your fathers, if you listen to and obey the voice of the Lord your God to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this Book of the Law, and if you turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul (your entire being).
Beloved, I delight to prosper you. It pleases Me that you should have enough – even more than enough that you might share liberally. For as you choose Me with all your heart, and as you seek Me above all else, blessings surely follow.
When you choose good, good is the result. And when you choose evil, evil is the result. This does not mean hardships will never come, it simply means I will bring beauty from ashes and you will overcome. So choose Me, and may you prosper even as your soul prospers – and may it prosper abundantly.
Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Watch as I Manifest Renewal.”
Isaiah 61:3 (TPT) …to give them a beautiful bouquet in the place of ashes, the oil of bliss instead of tears, and the mantle of joyous praise instead of the spirit of heaviness…
Beloved, I don’t patch things with a bandaid, or simply smooth things out so you don’t see the trials that were there before, no – I AM a God of radical transformation. I bring beauty from ashes, and joy from mourning. Nothing is too hard for Me.
Resist the heaviness that would try to cling to you, and embrace the mantle of joy that is yours. Burst forth in praise – in hopeful expectation, and watch as I manifest renewal in your life.
A portion of a post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “Waiting for the Red Sea to Part.”
Exodus 14:10b-12: They cried out to the Lord, and they said to Moses, “Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren’t there enough graves for us in Egypt? What have you done to us? Why did you make us leave Egypt? Didn’t we tell you this would happen while we were still in Egypt? We said, ‘Leave us alone! Let us be slaves to the Egyptians. It’s better to be a slave in Egypt than a corpse in the wilderness!’”
LOL! I totally know this feeling. God walks you into a situation and it looks totally hopeless – so you get upset with God and start complaining to someone nearby. But see in this case, God already talked to Moses about what was going on. So here’s his response in v13-14:
But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
Just stay calm. This is where our faith is shown. We’ve trusted God enough to let Him walk us to the Red Sea, but when we are there faced with the seeming impossibility of a positive outcome… that is the moment our faith is truly tested. But if we truly trust in Him, we should be able to be calm. To rest in the shalom of the Lord.
Lest you think this is just one example of God making impossible situations only to show up in a big way, consider a few more examples:
- The Lord whittling Gideon‘s army from 22,000 to 300 to give him the victory against the Midianites
- God has Noah build an ark in the middle of land when it had never rained ever before
- Abraham and Sarah giving birth to Issac years after God had promised and when Abraham was 100 and Sarah wasn’t far behind
- Priests crossing the Jordan river with the Ark of the Covenant, waiting as river passed by before the land dried up in front of them
- The walls of Jericho coming down from the Israelites marching around it seven times and shouting and blowing horns on the seventh time
The fact of the matter is that God likes showing up in a big way when the odds appear to be against Him. It brings Him glory! And (hopefully) in the process, builds our faith.
I (like many others I’m sure) am in a season where I am waiting for my proverbial red sea to part. I’ve walked where I’ve sensed God has led me and now I am waiting for Him to do what He does… be God.
Lord, I just pray for all those who find themselves in this season of waiting on Your faithfulness. I pray for grace and shalom in the midst of the onslaught of our senses. We choose to trust You at Your word for You are God – You are not a man that You should lie – and You are faithful to Your children. Be glorified in our lives! In Jesus’ mighty name I pray…
Another portion of a post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “Fear Not, Stand Firm (Exodus 14:13-14).”
God had me in Exodus today, in doing so I also checked out a blog from last year called Waiting for the Red Sea to Part. Today Exodus 14:13-14 jumped out at me: And Moses said to the people, “Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”
As I mentioned in the previous blog, only in being silent or staying calm is where our faith is tested. Today as I pondered this I filtered these verses through a couple other things mentioned:
- v21: it takes all night for God to dry the path for them to cross over
- v27: in the morning He closes the sea
When you have an army bearing down on you, this salvation might not seem fast enough! You’d probably want to get zapped from one side to the other. But God doesn’t do it like that… He takes more time and tells them to be silent / stay calm.
Again this is a trust thing. Too often when we find ourselves in these seemingly impossible situations, we get frustrated that God doesn’t move faster… but if we really check our hearts isn’t that because we don’t fully trust Him to come through? So we want Him to come through leaving a larger margin for error…?
But God doesn’t make errors! And He loves us enough to want to stretch us to trust more. Why? Not because He wants to torture us! Because life is easier for US the more we trust Him. We stress less. We worry less. We can rest in Him because we know He’s faithful… not just when things are going well, but when the seem not to be, we can still wholeheartedly trust Him.
Thank You Lord for stretching us – even when it hurts – it is for our own good. Thank You for knowing how much we can take and not stretching us until we break. You are faithful and good… make us more like You!
Another Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Stay Alert.”
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (VOICE) Listen, stay alert, stand tall in the faith, be courageous, and be strong. Let love prevail in your life, words, and actions.
Beloved, stay alert. Refuse to let fear and worry take root. Stand tall in courageous faith – not in your own ability, but rather in Mine. For I AM able. Nothing is too hard for Me. And while you may think you believe that, realize doubting your own ability is doubting My ability to work through you.
So trust Me unreservedly, and live from a place of steadfast confidence in the One who made you. Love like I love, and live as I’ve called you to live. Stay alert for anything that threatens to impede that, and live strong, for you are able.
A portion of a vision and prophetic download from Jessica Smith of Jessica Smith Art is connected to this. It’s called “You are Loved.”
…I suddenly realized that in this place there’s absolutely no possible way the devil can touch me, let alone hurt me. I was amazed by this truth, because I had lived in fear of the devil for so long… but now I was realizing there was no way the devil could penetrate the throne floor and ascend to God’s throne to lay a finger on me. Totally impossible. He’d have to be stronger than God Himself and he’s not. This is why God calls us to fight from His throne.
In Luke 10:19, Jesus said, “I have given you all authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” I was breaking free from fear of the enemy because God was revealing the truth of my position and identity to me, the very thing the devil was terrified I would understand. The bible says you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.
As I was seated there with God my Father contemplating these revelations, totally astounded, suddenly the Father began to shine with bright white light. He said, “I Am Your Father of Lights.” Then His light encompassed me all around. “My light is your shield. Darkness cannot penetrate My light. You are always safe when you are in My light”…
Another Prophetic Nugget from Daily Downloads from Heaven by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Divine Courage.”
1 Chronicles 28:20 (VOICE) Be strong, courageous, and effective. Do not fear or be dismayed. I know that the Eternal God, who is my God, is with you. He will not abandon you or forsake you until you have finished all the work for the temple of the Eternal.
Beloved, do you think for one moment that I would call you to something and then desert you – unequipped and without support? Never. Step in bold confidence – not in your own ability, but rather in My faithfulness. I AM with you always, so rest assured.
Be filled with courage. A courage grounded in the One who has called and equipped you. I AM your source of strength. So what have you to fear? Nothing is too hard for Me, and I AM fully able to see that you successfully walk out all I have called you to. So yield to Me – trusting Me to lead, and be filled with divine courage.
A Word called “Wings of Faith” from Elisa Eaton of Waiting in the Wings is connected to this.
Matthew 14:27-29 (AMPC) But instantly He spoke to them, saying, Take courage! I Am! Stop being afraid! And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water. He said, Come! So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water, and he came toward Jesus.
My child, remember that courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is the choice you make to move in accordance with My guiding in spite of your fears. Do not fret if your heart still trembles as you take bold steps in the direction I call you. Like a muscle that becomes strengthened through constant resistance training, so your confidence will be built through repeated resistance of fear. Fear will lose its hold as you repeatedly make the choice to trust Me.
Remember, I do not call you out of familiar territory to expose your weaknesses. I am not setting you up to fail or waiting to embarrass you. On the contrary, I desire to bring forth My character and power in you. Just as some young birds do not know they can fly until their mother coaxes them to leave the nest, you too must learn of the inherent power in your wings of faith. As my child, you were created to accomplish more than you can ever comprehend. Simply let go and believe that, as your Father, I know what is best. As you learn to use your wings of faith, trust that I will not let you fall. For in My hands you will always be safe.
Deuteronomy 31:6 (AMPC) Be strong, courageous, and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you.
A final Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Step Boldly Forth.”
Philippians 4:13 (TPT) And I find that the strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.
Beloved, is anything beyond My strength to accomplish? So why then would you doubt your own ability to achieve when empowered by Me? Am I not strong enough or capable enough to equip and strengthen you for that which I’ve called you to?
Indeed, step boldly forth into the plans I have for you. I have prepared for each step along the way and I AM with you to strengthen you. Nothing is truly unknown when you walk with Me, because although the circumstances may be unfamiliar, I‘m not. I AM your God, and I AM with you always. So step out in faith with your hand gripped in Mine. I AM all in all.
Luke 10:19 (TPT) Now you understand that I have imparted to you all my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will be able to harm you as you walk in this authority.
The “HEALING RAIN” card from D4Yart Deck 1 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Healing Rain” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “It’s a time for healing and refreshing. Make space and receive. A seed that is watered takes time before the fruit of its growth is visible, so resist the urge to rush yourself, and simply be diligent in the watering and refreshing, and trust the healing is taking place.”
The name of the silk hidden in this image is Healing Flow. The colors in it are turquoise representing healing, royal blue representing the truth of God’s Word, and emerald green representing restoration.
Father, may Your healing flow thick and fresh, may we remain in joy in the moments it seems to overwhelm and in the moments we’re desperately waiting to feel the droplets, and may You be glorified in and through it all.

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