Prepare for Rain reminds us that the fulfillment of God’s promises is just ahead and moving in fast. It is time to make ready and stand in faith to see the desert bloom.
- 1 Kings 18:44 (NIV) The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’ “
- Psalm 84:4-7 (TPT) What pleasure fills those who live every day in your temple, enjoying you as they worship in your presence! Pause in his presence How enriched are they who find their strength in the Lord; within their hearts are the highways of holiness! Even when their paths wind through the dark valley of tears, they dig deep to find a pleasant pool where others find only pain. He gives to them a brook of blessing filled from the rain of an outpouring. They grow stronger and stronger with every step forward, and the God of all gods will appear before them in Zion.
- Zechariah 10:1 (VOICE) “Pray to the Eternal, asking for rain in the spring; He is the One bringing the storm clouds. He fills them with heavy rain, showers of rain for the plants of the field for everyone.”
A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Expect the Rain.”
Ecclesiastes 11:3 (NET) If the clouds are full of rain, they will empty themselves on the earth, and whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, the tree will lie wherever it falls.
Beloved, expect the rain, and stay in that place of hopeful expectations as you wait on Me to move. For you know I AM faithful, and you know I AM good. I bring forth bounty in season and My rain on all. Abundance is coming, the drought is near its end.
Rejoice at the knowledge it’s coming. Rejoice as the mist starts to fall. Receive the little and make room for the more, for when I pour out, I do not hold back. So receive, beloved. Rejoice and receive.
A prophetic song from a devotional prayer room set at Destiny Church is connected to this.
The seasons are changing all around us. The seasons are moving now. I can feel the winds of change blowing. It’s a brand new day. What seems to be on hold, is no longer on hold. What seems to be dead, is no longer dead. And what seems to be dry, is getting ready for rain. And what seems forgotten by God, is no longer forgotten.
Cause I see a cloud the size of a man’s hand off in the distance now. I see a cloud that’s off in the distance, the size of a man’s hand. But it’s beginning to rain. It’s beginning to rain. It’s beginning to rain now. Because the seasons are changing now. The seasons are changing. Lord, where you’ve had me on hold, now you’re moving me on. The seasons are changing. Where you’ve had me pinned down – not letting me go, now you’re moving me. Now you’re moving me. It’s beginning to rain. The seasons are changing, it’s beginning to rain.
A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Time to Flourish and Bloom.”
Isaiah 35:1 (TLB) Even the wilderness and desert will rejoice in those days; the desert will blossom with flowers.
Beloved, now is the time to bloom! Walk forward in peace and wisdom for it is time to prosper and flourish. My call is given without repentance. I haven’t changed My mind about you or the plans I have for you. I will see them through to their completion, never leaving your side, ever cheering you on as you blossom into the fullness of all I’ve created you for and called you to.
I’m not done with you yet. I have so much more in store. Hang on. Things are not dry or dying, but simply making way for new life. This desert is going to bloom. So make ready and prepare a place, for abundance is about to overtake you – so much that your storehouses won’t be able to contain it all. Make ready, beloved. It’s time to flourish and bloom!
A post by Meghan Williams from MeghanW.com is connected to this. It’s called “Are you willing and are you ready?”
Often we ask for things without understanding the full ramifications of what we’re asking. We ask for rain, and don’t consider the inconvenience of the downpour. We ask for increase, and forget to think about the provision that needs to be made to make room for the new. It’s easy to find ourselves resentful of the small beginning only to then be resentful of the inconvenience when the outpouring begins. Like a couple who tries for years to have a child, only to resent the disruption to their lives when the child comes.
So it is not enough to simply be willing, we need also to be ready. As we believe the promises that God has given us in our hearts, and as we come into agreement with those promises in prayer, we must also make the time to be open to His instruction for the preparations needed for that which is to come. Then rejoice with each incremental step along the way (I talk about thing more in my post Celebrate Each Breakthrough).
Just as the physical stretching that occurs during pregnancy can be uncomfortable, so can our increase in other areas as well. It is a blessing, but it requires adjustment. So whether you are applying a balm so the stretch of the skin is less of a strain, or you are building storehouses for a harvest that has yet to come, be intentional to make ready and make room. Mentally prepare yourself for the change, and welcome it when it arrives. Trust that God will prepare you, and that He is fully able to guide you. Refuse to resent that time of preparation, instead trusting it must be necessary if that’s the path God is taking you on (I talk more about this in my posts Incremental Breakthroughs and Managing Our Expectations and Breakthrough: Though it Tarries, It Tarries Not). Be intentional to be both willing and ready. And then be open to the fulfillment of His promise, whatever form it takes. He is faithful to His word, so be ready.
1 Kings 18:44 (VOICE) The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.” Elijah: Go quickly, and give a message to Ahab for me: “Prepare your chariot, and leave quickly before the rain gets torrential and keeps you from traveling.”
Jeremiah 1:12 (CSB) The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I watch over my word to accomplish it.”
A series of six Prophetic Nuggets from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams are connected to this. They’re based on 1 Kings 18:41-46 (VOICE):
Elijah (to Ahab): You should go fill your belly with food and water. I hear a heavy rain coming. Ahab did as Elijah instructed and went to eat and drink. Elijah journeyed to the peak of Mount Carmel. There he bowed down on the ground and placed his head between his knees. Elijah (to his servant): Go now, and look in the direction of the sea. Servant (returning to Elijah): I did as you asked, and there is nothing in the direction of the sea. Elijah gave him the same instruction seven times, “Go back, and look in the direction of the sea.” The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.” Elijah: Go quickly, and give a message to Ahab for me: “Prepare your chariot, and leave quickly before the rain gets torrential and keeps you from traveling.” The sky became filled with dark monstrous clouds, the wind grew wild, the heavy rain fell, and Ahab traveled quickly in his chariot to Jezreel. The strength of the Eternal filled Elijah. The prophet pulled up his garment around his thighs and sprinted ahead of Ahab the entire way to Jezreel.
The first Prophetic Nugget is called “Listen for the Rain.”
1 Kings 18:41 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): You should go fill your belly with food and water. I hear a heavy rain coming.
Beloved, remain in a place of expectation. Rest firmly in hope – hope in My goodness. Be still and listen. Know that I AM moving. Hold those expectations with an open hand, trusting My timing and My plans, but indeed be intentional to hope.
Be open and ready that you might not miss what I’m doing. So in the midst of the dry season – when the times of drought seem endless, listen for the rain. For you know rain will surely come, just as I bring day from night, surely you know I bring joy from mourning. So listen for the rain and await the breakthrough.
The second Prophetic Nugget is called “Prepare for the Rain.”
1 Kings 18:41-42 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): You should go fill your belly with food and water. I hear a heavy rain coming. Ahab did as Elijah instructed and went to eat and drink…
Beloved, as you wait in expectation, be obedient when instruction comes. Resist the urge to rely on your own knowledge, for I see what you do not. Therefore, I will often prepare you for events that are unexpected by you. In those moments, if you judge My instructions in the natural, you may be tempted to ignore them or take a different action.
Beloved, trust that I see what you do not, and trust that I will prepare you. For just as Noah built an ark in preparation for a catastrophic flood though no rain had yet fallen, so I will prepare you for that which is seen and unseen – if you will but obey.
The third Prophetic Nugget is called “Be in Agreement.”
1 Kings 18:41-42 (VOICE) Elijah (to Ahab): …I hear a heavy rain coming… Elijah journeyed to the peak of Mount Carmel. There he bowed down on the ground and placed his head between his knees.
Beloved, even when the world seems like desert without a cloud in sight, believe Me when I say the rain is coming. One of the greatest spiritual weapons in your arsenal is that of the power of agreement. So with intention, stand in faith for that which I have promised. And with intention, pray for those things to come to pass. And with praise – even with hands raised high, give thanks for the manifestation of that which is still unseen.
I AM faithful, and My promises are yes an amen. So refuse to be double-minded – on the one hand asking for breakthrough and on the other doubting it will come. Be steadfast and sure because you know the character of the God you serve. You know that I AM faithful, so refuse to be moved and be in agreement with My promises to you.
The fourth Prophetic Nugget is called “Wait Expectantly.”
1 Kings 18:43-44 (VOICE) Elijah (to his servant): Go now, and look in the direction of the sea. Servant (returning to Elijah): I did as you asked, and there is nothing in the direction of the sea. Elijah gave him the same instruction seven times, “Go back, and look in the direction of the sea.” The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.”…
Beloved, wait expectantly – with a heart filled with hope, and watch for me to move. For if I have spoken, will I not act? And if I have promised, will I not fulfill? If you know Me, you know of My faithfulness from generation to generation. I AM always faithful, and I AM always good.
Stir up your faith during your time of waiting, and be intentional to stir up the faith of those around you. Remind yourself of all I have already done, and consider all I have said I will do. Rest in the assurance of My character. And wait expectantly and with joy, knowing that the wait only serves to sweeten the inevitable fulfillment of My promises.
The fifth Prophetic Nugget is called “Embrace Small Beginnings.”
1 Kings 18:44 (VOICE) The servant did as Elijah requested each time; and on the seventh time, he told Elijah, “A minuscule cloud, as tiny as the hand of a man, is ascending from the sea.” Elijah: Go quickly, and give a message to Ahab for me: “Prepare your chariot, and leave quickly before the rain gets torrential and keeps you from traveling.”
Beloved, when you find yourself in the day of a small beginning, resist the urge to take it lightly or view it as small or unimportant. For I bring increase in its season, so the wise will be intentional to prepare.
Be intentional to yield to Me not just as you wait for a promise to manifest, but also once it has begun. For I see the beginning and the end, so trust Me to lead you rightly. So embrace your small beginning, even as you make ready for the more.
The sixth Prophetic Nugget is called “Expect Me to Bring Increase.”
1 Kings 18:45-46 (VOICE) The sky became filled with dark monstrous clouds, the wind grew wild, the heavy rain fell, and Ahab traveled quickly in his chariot to Jezreel. The strength of the Eternal filled Elijah. The prophet pulled up his garment around his thighs and sprinted ahead of Ahab the entire way to Jezreel.
Beloved, often when I bring increase it comes swiftly and unexpectedly. Though the vision may seem to tarry, it tarries not, for I will bring it to its fullness in due season. So be prepared to wait patiently but expectantly just to see Me move suddenly.
I AM the Lord of the breakthrough – YHVH Perazim. Watch and wait in hopeful expectation, as you rejoice in what I’ve already done. Testify of My faithfulness, and when breakthrough and increase come – testify some more. Refuse to be silent. Give praise to the One who is worthy. Amen.
The lyrics to United Pursuit’s song “Seasons Change” is connected to this. The song reminds us that with each new season of our lives, God remains faithful in through change and through the transition. An aspect of His love is faithfulness. Just as He demonstrates faithfulness in planting the seeds of life, He is faithful to bring the rain and cause that seed to flourish.
A final Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Something New is Coming.”
Isaiah 43:19 (VOICE) Watch closely: I am preparing something new; it’s happening now, even as I speak, and you’re about to see it. I am preparing a way through the desert; Waters will flow where there had been none.
Beloved, something new is coming. Can you feel it in the air? The smell of rain surrounds you, though the earth beneath you is dry. Feel it in your spirit, receive it in your heart, for the day of new beginnings is rising on you now.
Receive, beloved, receive. Make ready for the new. I bring forth life from dust, so I can bring forth change for you. I AM the God of the impossible. I AM faithful. I AM true. Now watch as I move on your behalf, I’m the God of the miraculous – it’s true.
The name of the silk hidden in this image is Be Saturated. The colors in it are turquoise representing life-giving flow of the Holy Spirit, plum representing abundance, olive representing fresh oil, and dark teal representing fertile ground.
Father, may our hearts truly make ready for the promises ahead, for You are faithful and completely trustworthy, and You will see Your word come to pass.
Note: a special thank you to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Photo Library for the extraordinary cloud image used in this art piece, and for the fact they make their beautiful images available for use.

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