Burgeoning Life depicts the deep saturation of the refreshing rain of the Spirit as our worshipper rises up in praise, face up-turned to receive what the Lord is showering on her. A rainbow of promise descending upon her, His light and love bursting through, and lush growth sprouting up all around.
- Song of Solomon 2:10-12 (VOICE) My love responded and said to me, [Him] “Arise, my dearest, my beauty, and come away with me. Don’t you see? The winter is done. The rains and clouds have come and gone. The flowers are unfolding in the fields; the birds are warming up their songs, The cooing of the turtledove is heard throughout the land.”
- Psalm 30:11 (VOICE) You did it: You turned my deepest pains into joyful dancing; You stripped off my dark clothing and covered me with joyful light.
- Ezekiel 37:14, 27 (VOICE) I will breathe My Spirit into you, and you will be alive once again. I will place you back in your own land. After that you will know I, the Eternal, have done what I said I would do. So said the Eternal One. I will make My home with them. I will be their God, and they will be My people.
{seeing} Blues and purples, leaves and petals swirling – a breeze so gentle and yet so intense you can see it, not just the impact of it, but the wind itself. The Ruach (H7307 meaning Spirit, breath, wind) moving through the valley stirring up life, life, and more life! Green shoots bursting through the earth below; like watching a time lapse movie, it’s growth so accelerated. And quickly sprouting, flowering, and bearing fruit – abundant fruit.
Merriam-Webster defines “burgeoning” as growing quickly/rapidly. And that beloved, is what this time is for you. He is moving you at an accelerated rate from the dark clouds of sorrow and into the gentle rain of refreshing that brings forth bountiful life! He’s bringing forth more and new and it is coming quickly! I wanted to say “hold on”, but immediately He said “no, let go” and I saw a roller coaster with you with your arms raised – completely abandoned in your release to His lead with a huge grin on your faces and a shout of joy on your lips.
In His mercy and compassion He has stayed quietly with you during the dark times, but He’s taken your hand and leading out the door into a new room. Again with new, fresh… He’s bringing it forth, beloved, receive it – walk into it. The room you’re leaving has the lights our and is shrouded in darkness, but I can see through the doorway and all I see is bright, white light. Joy and life abundant.
I realize it’s like He showed me two things that both mean the same thing, and as I pondered why He brought to mind Pharaoh’s dreams and how he had two dreams that basically meant the same thing, and Joseph says this in Genesis 41:32 (VOICE) “The doubling of Pharaoh’s dream means this future is fixed by God, and He will make it happen very soon.” So yes and amen to Father moving you into this season and doing it swiftly!
The name of the silk in this image is He Moves in Mercy. The colors in it are turquoise representing healing and refreshing, peacock blue representing the water of His word, deep dark blue representing tehowm (the deep – Psalm 42:7), violet representing child of God, lilac representing shalom (the peace that surpasses all expectations), lavender representing the beauty of being known, and purple halo shimmer representing redemption and double portion.
Father, thank You for a new season and new life burgeoning forth. Thank You that, like the winter – though it appears completely barren, is actually a time of rest before You bring forth the new life, this dark season of winter has concluded. Springtime is here and – with Your hand extended – You are calling saying it is time to come away. Thank You for the blessing of the new season with You. Thank You for the joy and life that comes with it. Thank You that Your word will not return void and Your promises are YES and AMEN. I stand in agreement and say SO BE IT! In Jesus’ mighty name I pray… let it be done according to Your will, Father. Amen.
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