Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Heaven’s Portal

HeavensPortal_SMHeaven’s Portal represents Father opening a portal from Heaven to a seer who presses in and waits; blessing them with strength, vision, and refreshing.

“Blessed [happy, prosperous, to be admired] is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting at my doorposts.” Proverbs 8:34 (AMP)

{hearing} The vision I give you is sometimes so focused that you only get glimpses, and small portions, like puzzle pieces. But as you continue to focus on Me and My kingdom, more and more will be revealed until you can see my plan and path. With Me you will transition and pass through time and space, realms, kingdoms, and levels of understanding. As you learn My ways, you will gain understanding and knowledge of My kingdom. This is the seer realm. A place of invitation from Abba Father to reveal His heart and nature. Some things revealed will be new, fresh, and perhaps startling. Others will be progressive revelation, like building blocks for your future. It is a place of adventure and wonder. We enter by stepping through the veil and through the cross and blood of Jesus our Lord. So press in, step through. Receive His revelations be they big or small and remember each piece is a gift from Him.

{vision} Seeing the passage of time as it is passing through the rings, each ring a time, forming a tunnel that we can pass through to access answers and understanding at Father’s direction. Accessing a ring brings the vision into focus, and in His way and timing He shows us His plans and purposes, answers questions, reveals mysteries, and strengthens the bond of our relationship with Him.

Father, thank You for Your revelations, for the timing of Your revelations, and for training and growing those You’ve anointed as seers. Thank You that as we rest and wait on You in patience (as opposed to pouty frustration and restlessness, which demonstrate our lack of understanding and preparedness for the gifts You have for us) that You bring forth the giftings and the revelations that come with the giftings You have bestowed for Your good purpose. May we be worthy of the call You’ve given us – though we cannot earn it, only accept that Jesus deemed us worthy and who are we to argue with His wisdom!

HeavensPortal HeavensPortal-cardBack3-screen

1 Comment

  1. Sonja Roy

    Thank you 🙏.

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