Victory Assured depicts a place of rest and rejoicing, waiting and preparedness, and refreshing and recollection for the battles that have been and are to come.
“Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle!” Psalm 24:8 ESV
“The LORD is a man of war; the LORD is his name.” Exodus 15:3 ESV
Though the battle has been long and hard fought, the day of victory does come. The Lord of Host, the Mighty and Strong Warrior, has come to your side and brought you into triumph. Your Warrior King tells you how pleased He is with you; you have kept the faith and not given up. You quietly remind Him of the times you wanted to give up; He smiles and replies, “But you didn’t give up, you choose to trust in Me.” His warm, loving embrace erases the brutality of battle, the pain, the tears, the trauma, and finally you are at rest. The Lord says, “Come, let’s walk in My garden so you can be refreshed. And we will recount the moments of this battle and journey together.”
{impression} The room is a place of remembrance, a memorial room built by the Lord. The room contains the battle memories, strategies, wisdom, insight, and a record of those who assisted in battle. Even detailing the angelic portion of the battle. It is not about glorifying the warrior, it is all about glorifying the Warrior King. And it is a place to return in future battles, to draw strength from the testimonies recorded in the war room. The beautiful, peaceful view gives balance, and reminds us to find the place of rest in the battle, because truly the battle is the Lord’s.
{vision} His beloved in the room kneeling at the feet of Jesus, He was as the King seated on the throne. She is dressed in sky blue and cloud white, and kisses the hem of His robe. He let her know the room was her will, and the battle had been to submit her will to Him as Beloved and King. Her tears flow on to the robe’s hem. After awhile He showed her the rewards, and some of what has been opened up to her.
The silk in this image is Warrior Princess. The colors in it are amber representing theflaming throne of God, turquoise representing warfare, mahogany brown representing the depth of God’s love, and bronze shimmer representing the beauty of the Lord.
Father, may we rest in the assurance of victory. We know You. We trust You and know Your character and power. We thank You for allowing us to abide with You, for being our protector and champion. We stay by Your side in times of rest and times of war. You are our strong tower and our rear guard, our Warrior King. Praying that all who behold will have encounters with Beloved and submit their hearts to Him.
This piece of art had a very profound and beautiful impact on my life, so much revelation. Yay God!!! Thank you Meghan.