Open Gateway depicts the personal life of one who moves in the prophetic: how they connect with God, hear, and are ministered to, receiving all they need from Him, and preparation to go out and minister life to others. It is a place of great authority, a place where revelation and insight are available and a place where wisdom stands, ready to answer our questions.
“Roll your works upon the Lord [commit and trust them wholly to Him; He will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to His will, and] so shall your plans be established and succeed.” Proverbs 16:3 (AMPC)
“But [on the other hand] the one who prophesies speaks to people for edification [to promote their spiritual growth] and [speaks words of] encouragement [to uphold and advise them concerning the matters of God] and [speaks words of] consolation [to compassionately comfort them].” 1 Corinthians 14:3 (AMP)
The truth depicted is that our embrace of covenant with Him opens the gates of heaven to us. Not saying it is by works, but it is by and through our obedience that He expands our territory and our understanding. It is a heart and attitude thing, not so much a physical thing we do. He is searching the thoughts and intents of our hearts. The wise, mature son/daughter of the King learns of covenant, grabs on to it, and does not let go. And thus they are assured of entering into their destiny. His plans will succeed!
You, our GOD are faithful to us. Your plan for us is good. And when we agree with You and Your plan for us, our destiny unfurls like a flag in the wind. Our path opens up, bringing us into a good place. A place where the gateway to heaven is opened up to us. A place where we can learn, and grow in the beauty of Your Presence. In this place, our gifting and talents come to light. As does our appreciation of the uniqueness You have given to each of us.
Each butterfly represents a gift, talent, anointing, etc. from the Lord. They did not come to light and life until the faithful covenant worshiper entered into the fullness of their covenant. In other words, this worshiper has willingly laid down their all to accept and receive all that God has. And in a moment, a flash, all changed for them for the better.
{vision} I saw you on earth worshipping to open the portal to heaven, open those gates. And you were in heaven worshipping to open the portal from heaven to earth. There was a duality of you being in both places doing the same thing to impact heaven and earth at the same time. It was beautiful.
The name of the silk in this image is Faithful. The colors in it are rainbow representing covenant, fuchsia representing passion, orange representing strength, golden yellow representing faithful Companion, emerald green representing the Life Giver, electric blue representing intensity, and plum representing abundance.
Yes and amen Lord, let it be so for Your people. Let us embrace You and Your covenant fully so that we can come into the place of fullness You have prepared for us!
Message from Abba:
Taste and see I am good, Oh my children why do you worry about what you will eat, where you will sleep, or what you will wear, am I not able to provide for such things, you of little faith? I am a good Father and I bend near to hear the prayers of my children. I know your needs and your desires. Your requests are ever set before me, I have not forgotten one prayer. Every detail of your life has been planned and provided for, I have not made one mistake in my plans for you. Each step of obedience draws you closer to my heart and will for your life. When you learn to obey and hear my voice, those steps will become easier to discern and obedience will not seem like such a burden or sacrifice, but you will willingly come with a joyful heart. What may look like isolation and a wilderness to you is really my place of safety for you, a protection. It’s a place to learn and grow, to mature and know me intimately, so you will know my voice and move when I say move and stop when I say stop. Without this training you will be deceived and you will not be able to discern my voice above all the others shouting for your attention. My children do not be afraid of the times coming ahead, I go before you and I know what you will face. THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR! stay tender in heart and do not forsake meeting together, you need one another to encourage and lift one another in prayer. These are days where you shall see trials and test like no other, but you will also see mysteries and wonders that no generation has nor will see again! Rejoice in these days to come,build up your gifts, be ready to serve. You will lack no good thing to complete that which I have prepared since the beginning. I shall call you out from the four corners of the earth and lead you out by a pillar of fire by night and a pillar of cloud by day. I will gather you and make you into a great nation. I will be with you till the ends of the earth, forever and ever Amen!