Bloom Unashamed depicts a flower blooming unashamedly, content in its purpose, and satisfied in who it was created to be. May we do likewise.
“You are beautiful, my darling, beautiful beyond words…” Song of Solomon 4:1 (NLT)
“Now you [collectively] are Christ’s body, and individually [you are] members of it [each with his own special purpose and function].” 1 Corinthians 12:27 (AMP)
As we look at God’s creation, we see each facet doing what it was created to do, being what it was created to be. Beautiful in purpose. Delightful in its design. Each flower blooms in all its glory without a care as to whether another flower might outshine it. In the same way, we must choose to be who He created us to be, do what He’s created us to do, and waste no time comparing ourselves to others.
When baking a cake, each ingredient is important and contributes to the whole. The flour alone may not be as sweet as the sugar, but both are vital parts of the end creation. In the same way, each of us are essential to the masterpiece Father is bringing forth. Choose to be content with the part you’ve been called to play, be it big or small, know that you are a key piece to His plans and beautiful in your purpose.
The name of the silk in this image is One in Whom the Lord Delights. The colors in it are white representing holiness and the bride of Christ, light blue representing open heaven, lavender representing intimacy, and earthy red representing apple of His eye.
Father, help us to keep our eyes fixed on You, our purpose set – may we see ourselves as You see us and may we choose to be content to be who You created us to be and content with our role in Your bigger picture and the Body of Christ. We submit all we are for Your glory and pleasure!
Lovely and so true!
“Bloom Unashamed!” I absolutely needed this tonight. ♡
Awwwww yay! Love you sweet lady!!