Mourning into Dancing depicts that moment of embracing the breakthrough from sorrow into joy.
“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy” Psalm 30:11 (NLT)
Joy is a choice, just like love. It is more than an emotion. We often tend to wait for it happen, for it to fall on us. We wait on our prophetic words of joy to manifest, but we often don’t have the right perspective or understanding of what joy really is. Yes, it can be that wild ecstatic dancing, laughing and jumping up and down, but it can also be that moment when we must chose joy over other emotions. Not denying or surpassing feelings, but also not allowing ourselves to wallow in self-pity or slide into depression. It is choosing to believe and trust that my God will make this passage come to pass for us, even when we cannot imagine how. And it is learning that His joy really is our strength.
He turns our tears into the rain that signifies we are coming out of the dry, desert seasons, and into the rain of provision and presence. We must remember to be thankful for every drop. Joy and thankfulness go hand in hand. So choose Him, regardless of what you see, hear, or feel. Choose to rejoice ahead of seeing the turning point. Choose His joy. Step into your breakthrough and trust Him to meet you there. He has turned the dry place green and watered. It is time to flourish!
The silk in this image is Every Captive Free. The colors in it are purple representing songs of deliverance, storm representing removal of hindrances, soft gold representing beauty for ashes, and white representing freedom and festive rejoicing.
Father, help us to embrace the breakthrough – to trust that as we step into our dancing the mourning ceases and Your joy comes bringing strength and refreshing. You are the God of the breakthrough. You are our strength in our weakness. You bring deliverance and cloth us with joy. We delight in You! Have Your way in our hearts and shine through.
(Available with and without the scripture on the image, but with the text is the default)
I love the way you have infused the silk with the art, it is so beautiful. And the scripture adds the perfect touch of inspiration. Great work Meghan!