Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Lawful Authority

LawfulAuthority_SMLawful Authority givesvisual representation to the strong place from which your intercession is made.

“For I have not spoken on my own authority, but the Father who sent me has himself given me a commandment—what to say and what to speak.” John 12:49 (ESV)

“God is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight. My God—the high crag where I run for dear life, hiding behind the boulders, safe in the granite hideout; My mountaintop refuge, he saves me from ruthless men” 2 Samuel 22:2-3 (MSG)

Your sphere of influence has been established in a place where the water, land, and wind meet as a 3-strand cord. You have battled and overcome the enemy. You have learned to abide in Me, your Refuge and your Fortress. I have given and established you in a ‘see’ place. You will see and report enemy movements. But more importantly you will see and report My movements, My declarations, and My Word. The angelic hosts activity is increasing around you.

As Commander of the Angel armies, I have established you and given you lawful authority in this Earth. You are authorized to enforce My will, My way, My Word. Remember, this authority is to be exercised from the abiding place in Me and at My direction. Listen, watch, and speak your heart to me. Await My response, My plan, for this is how you will triumph and walk in authority.

{vision} the Lord is speaking and you are turning and moving with Him. He says go, and you go. About face, and you turn. Halt, and you stop. In this unison of heart and movement, you are exercising great authority in the earth. Thus making you the enemy’s worst nightmare. You are a submitted, loving heart, who is in the hands of the Master, and He turns you whichever way He wills. Your face is set like flint, eyes and ears alert. Battle ready warrior of the King of kings. Your obedience to His voice and His commandments are key to the strength of your petitions.

{vision} the Lord is speaking and you are turning and moving with Him. He says go, and you go. About face, and you turn. Halt, and you stop. In this unison of heart and movement, you are exercising great authority in the earth. Thus making you the enemy’s worst nightmare. You are a submitted, loving heart, who is in the hands of the Master, and He turns you whichever way He wills. Your face is set like flint, eyes and ears alert. Battle ready warrior of the King of kings. Your obedience to His voice and His commandments are key to the strength of your petitions.

(The silk in this image is Incense before the Throne.)


  1. Tonia

    I love this art piece, the silk and the word.

  2. Melody

    LOVE the word! Wow… so powerful. The art and accompanying silk are beautiful. Good stuff!

  3. Jeanne Kimball

    POWERFUL!!! I am taking a spiritual warfare class and this silk and art would be so wonderful to have as a reminder where my authority comes from as I go through the class. 🙂

  4. christine

    So powerful and such a demonstration of the strong Rock we have. Great place for a watchman-we see the movements of the enemy but also can enjoy the breathtaking beauty of what our Lord has created!

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