Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Passionate Pursuit

Passionate Pursuit depicts both the passionate pursuit of the One who loved us first and our passionate pursuit of Him and His kingdom.

O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me. Psalm 63:1, 8 NKJV

The battle lines have been drawn, the siege has begun, and the Lord says, “Remember who you are in Me. And if you don’t know who you are in Me, ask Me for revelation (Jer 33:3)… and don’t be shy about asking. Ask and ask quickly. There is an urgency in this time, it is important that you know your identity in Me. You were bought with a price, My blood was shed for you and My blood speaks. My blood cries out for My kingdom to come and My will to be done in the earth.”

And He reminds you, “I love you beloved.  I call to you and ask you to move forward with Me. Press forward with Me.  Do not say it is to hard. Ask instead for My strength, ask for My help.  When did I ever ask you to do go it alone?  I asked you to walk with Me.  Do not concern yourself if you do not feel 100% unity with others, seek 100% unity with Me, and allow the others do the same. ”

The silk in this image is is Isaiah 54. The colors in it are ox blood red representing living sacrifice, amber representing fiery passion, and mahogany brown representing warrior’s heart [praise in the mouth and sword in the hand (Psalm 149:3-7)].  The heart of this silk is restoration, just as His blood restores us to the Father.

May Your passionate pursuit overtake us and may our passionate pursuit of You please your heart and bring glory to Your name.


  1. Rhonda Dasher

    Absolutely Breath taking.

  2. Amanda C


  3. Frances Harrigan

    The image and colors arrested my heart at first glance. What a beautiful depiction! I will mot forget this image and its meaning. The seriousness of it all. Jesus help us to go after you with all our hearts.

  4. Tami L

    WOW..This is so powerful Meghan. I love the word, and it truely speaks to my heart. Love this one!!! Bless you

  5. donna stabler

    my new favorite!
    eye catching and then Word catching.
    there is advancement and coverage depicted with this;
    i am seeing a strong striding with a huge amount of the Blood to back it up!
    And yet, it is calming; i actually got peaceful.
    truly a visual representation of how our praise causes God to rise up huge on our behalf!
    His kingdom comes, His will is done, on earth as it is in heaven.

  6. Stephanie

    This is sooooooo cool!!! Breathtaking!!!

  7. Alan

    Wow Meghan really this is breath taking and very inspirational tov todah

  8. Tonia

    Powerful picture. 🙂 Such forward motion and progress.

  9. Gina Osterloth

    As I viewed this amazing piece of art, it was and is a picture of my hearts cry. It displays all that I can not put into words. The passion and desire to seek hard after the Father and His desire to overtake us with His love and provision in the form of His sons sacrifice.
    The boldness of the warrior and the passion to press forward is an excellent example of fearing nothing, pressing in and taking back all in Jesus name. Resisting the enemy and receiving help and strngth from the Father.
    The inspires and encourages the soul to “but believe’. It warms the heart and brings peace for the great love and provision of the Father is in full display ready to overtake His beloved. It stirs the spirit to arise and go forth in the name of the Lord.
    So much displayed in one image. It is no wonder it is said, ” a picture is worth a thousand words”. This one is worth a million.

  10. AJ Salazar

    I was so very blessed by this. Thank you so much. My spirit stirred within me the moment I laid eyes on it. I was almost brought to tears, even more so once I read the word that accompanied it. Again, thank you.

  11. Karen Douglas

    I could not honestly say it better than Gina did above. this peice is beyond stunning.

  12. Joshua

    I don’t know why I haven’t seen this until now…maybe because the word with it is exactly what the Father has been doing in me and with me as of late. I cried as I read the meaning of this and realize that my D4Y collection of images and silk may never be complete because as we go through each season in life there will be images and silks that we will be drawn too. I need to get this one!!!

  13. Dyed4you Art

    We shared this image on FB on 14 June 2016 and asked what you all got when you saw it. Here’s what you shared:

    I remember when Nicole Corno danced and as she spun the blood of Jesus was spraying out. This is the same.

    Washed in the blood of Jesus..

    Reminds me of a song we sing at church. When we sing the part ” I plead, I plead the blood” I wave my Dyed 4 You “Irreplaceable ” scarf in the air.

    Breakthrough ❤️

    Blood spilled for Israel’s freedom. It’s just what came to me

    Our covering is in the Blood of the Lamb!

    The blood of Jesus still speak.

    His blood is covering me! Glory

    Take the Blood of a banner…wave it before you and behind you….let His Blood of Life surround you… and march on

    Washed by the blood.

    There is power and mercy in The Blood.❤️

    I’m covered by the blood

    Blood is on the ground. Rise up warrior

    This means war!!

    Nothing but the blood of Jesus

    Nothing but the blood

    Washed in Jesus precious Blood

    blood of jesus

    He made us all priests. We need to learn what our jobs are. Read the Bible from beginning to end. One of the responsibilities of a Levite was to put to death any and all who approached the sanctuary/tabernacle of the Lord (Numbers 3:38) and guard God’s Law and Covenant (Deut. 33:9). But now that Jesus Christ has made us all priests, (1 Peter 2:9) we are to guard His Law and Covenant. (Proverbs 7:2) But we don’t fight against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12).

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