Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Dawning Victory

Dawning Victory depicts a worshiping warrior standing firm in God’s promises; she is armed to stand fast.

  • Psalm 3:3 (AMPC) But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Manifest Protection.

Psalm 3:3 (VOICE) But You, Eternal One, wrap around me like an impenetrable shield. You give me glory and lift my eyes up to the heavens.

Beloved, you are safe in My arms. Just as a child might run to a parent to find shelter in their arms from threats and terrors seen or unseen, so My arms welcome you and surround you like a shield – a manifest protection. 

Find your safety here. You are My precious child. My peace I’ve given you, and My peace I bring. Cling to Me even as you hold tight to the corners of your faith, like a blanket wrapped tightly around you – refuse to let go of the peace given you by faith. 

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Surrender to My Care.

Psalm 3:3 (VOICE) But You, Eternal One, wrap around me like an impenetrable shield. You give me glory and lift my eyes up to the heavens.

Beloved, feel My arms around you. I hold you tight in My embrace. Allow My love to shield you – allow Me to keep you safe. Feel My love saturate you as it softens you and prepares you to withstand the blows that life will bring. Safe you are, and safe you’ll stay, enveloped in My care. 

Be glorified and changed as you rest tight within My arms. From heaven above to the earth below, nothing can rock you, or move you from My touch. Yield to Me completely and surrender to My care. My love will always shield you, and you will find your safety there. 

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Rest Weightlessly in the Ocean of My Love.”

Psalm 42:5 (VOICE) Why am I so overwrought? Why am I so disturbed? Why can’t I just hope in God? Despite all my emotions, I will believe and praise the One who saves me and is my life. 

Beloved, resist the urge to allow tumultuous emotions to weigh you down. Instead, rest weightlessly in the ocean of My love. I AM your heart’s desire, and I AM Ruwm Rosh – the lifter of your head. Look to Me, and let Me meet each need. 

I AM holy, beloved, and true to My word. Trust My heart for you. Press through with praise – regardless of circumstance, and see the outpouring of love I lavish upon the ones whose hearts seek fast after Me.

A final Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “YHVH Nissi (the Lord your Banner).

Psalm 108:13 (VOICE) Only through God can we be successful…

Beloved, I AM the source of true victory, and in Me you find true strength. For I AM the one who lifts men up and brings accomplishment. All honor and glory comes from Me. So rest in My judgment, and trust the blessing from My hand.

Cling fast to Me, refusing to allow the praise or criticism of men sway you. For I AM the triumphant call, the Lord your banner – YHVH Nissi, your victory, your miracle. Trust your life and all its successes and perceived failures to Me.

1 Chronicles 29:11-12 (VOICE) All that is great and powerful and glorious and victorious and majestic is Yours, O Eternal One. Indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to You. The kingdom belongs to You, O Eternal One, and You are the head of it all. Wealth and glory come from You, and You rule over them all. In Your hand is power and strength, and You use them to make great and strengthen everyone.

The silken shield in the image is called Proclaiming the Word of God, and the colors in it are light blue representing grace, lavender representing sweet fragrance, white representing purity, fuchsia representing joy, and royal blue representing the Word of God.

God has given us the sword of His word to do battle with, but also He has given us a shield of faith – faith in His promises – to protect us from the attack that will surely come our way if we are choosing to do battle for the things that God has spoken into our lives. As we stand fast, proclaiming the promises and words of God, our victory is assured for as Numbers 23:19 says, “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change what his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?”

I pray you will rise to the call to do battle for the Lord; the call to take the things captive that the LORD has promised.

Note: The word for this art piece was expanded in May 2020


  1. Julie

    Stunning to look at and a word so timely for many!

  2. Jen

    I love how you capture the image of a worshiping warrior: the sword, the scarf, the ballet shoes! Beautiful! You imagine her quick, powerful, yet so graceful steps as you dances to proclaim the promises of God; ready to defend with her Sword of the Word held high, not fearful – this warrior knows what it says and knows the power in it! And the silk…it just captures the softness that is at the heart of a worshiping warrior! May all His worshiping warriors understand these things!

  3. Christie Ratcliff

    this print is actually making me FREAK OUT!!! and it’s 11:33 as i pulled up this page. it’s as though i’ve seen this in a dream… i’m getting an impression of familiarity about it and i’m so excited to see the concept of a worshiper + sword + banner + explosive colors on (in my mind) a dimensional plane… like she’s battling in the firmament, surrounded by light.

    i LOVE your stuff, Meghan, your work always gets my creative juices kicked into high gear. the anointing that comes across, for me, is bar none at this time… guess cuz we love the same type of colour language.


  4. Christie Ratcliff

    LOL!!!!! i didn’t read the comments before i posted.. YES, Jen!!! i’m in total agreement!!!

  5. Donelda

    So appropriate for so many right now. Lovely. Connects with a deep place inside.

  6. Karen Douglas

    just love this on so many levels. i think dawn is my fav time of day, I love the colors of the dawn sky and it is always so representative to me, to greet the day worshipping the Lord, that He answers us in the morning, that there is joy in the morning. The dancing for joy, the truth of the Sword, the Word of God, the banner declaring victory in the airwave, the strong, joyfull, ready stance. AWESOME!!!

  7. Christine P

    I agree! This is SO timely!!! Learning more and more about this lately….. Lots to say, but not enough time!

  8. Robyn Suzanne

    Thank you for this image! If she were blonde she would be me :D. My name means Bright Fame Ballerina and I dance modern, hip hop and ballet. I haven’t ever been on pointe shoes, but heaven has promised me I will be. I have vision for a dance company called the Dove Company [Psalm 68; especially v. 11-13] that will use dance as intercession that cleanses the land where they travel to prepare the highways of holiness in Isaiah [references escape me for the moment]. The King is coming, and the Dove Company prepares the way.

    There is a special place for women to lead in the Lord’s army. The least are becoming great, and the women who have laboured in prayer closets without imagining they would lead people (and angels!) are going to reveal their true colors to the world. The Psalm talks about ‘the wings of my dove are sheathed in silver, its feathers with shining gold’ – the dull looking humility has hidden royalty and that authority will shine when it’s the time for women to lead in the natural…

    I have had two open visions, and in one I drowned in the river of God; I felt myself die as I sank and when I stood with my toes in the muck of the riverbed I noticed I had a sword in my right hand. I didn’t know what to do with it, but long story short – God’s love came like light from above the water and filled me so I had the strength to swallow the sword. Suddenly I needed to breathe and I pushed off the riverbed to the surface gasping for air. I saw the bank of the river as I suddenly realized I was back on earth.

    Eating the Word saved me from being saturated in the experiential power of God. Without the Word to bank it, the power of God has no focus to work in our lives. We don’t mature and can even die from a complete lack of spiritual nurishment even in the midst of “the river”. Power encounters are for a purpose to equip for service.

    Hope it’s okay that I shared so much. Though the dance element may be specific to me [or other dancers out there :)] I hope that my comment encourages others too!

  9. Meghan

    @Robyn – It’s absolutely ok! Love hearing your heart 🙂 Especially love what you said about eating the Word. We MUST have that balance to truly have the power and authority He has for us. Bless you!

  10. Heidi

    I just love this! I felt such awe! I have been standing firm on Gods promises for my marriage. 12 years and 5 beautiful children later satan is still trying to destroy our marriage. My husband deals with SSA and he has been bouncing back and fourth from accepting that it is ok and loving me and his kids but wanting to be able to be free to have that other. God has such an anointing on him and satan wants to destroy him and I! THis just made me gasp with joy!

  11. Frances Harrigan

    I’ve looked at this piece many times. I love the sword and the dawn sky shining behind her. I just realized that the colors and the meanings for the scarf are the same as the first scarf (Proclaimer) I got but the scarf in this piece has royal blue for the Word of God. Awesome! I know in some aspect I will proclaim His works. This was just a reminder to me that it doesn’t necessarily mean preaching or teaching the Word. Whatever talents God has placed within me (I’m still in discovery mode) He will use them to show His works and His power. Amen. : )

  12. Lisa

    My victory is coming. I know that it is only through worship and prayer that I will rise up and be the warrior my mother-in-law says I am.

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