Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Doves’ Eyes

Doves’ Eyes reminds us how the Lord sees those whose hearts are turned to Him. It’s as though the Lord sees us through rose-colored glasses (because He sees us through the blood) – His gaze is fixed and He is enraptured.

  • Song of Solomon 1:15 (KJV) Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves’ eyes.

A Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Hold My Heart {Moments with God}.”

{Crying in my heart} Please hear me, Father. I feel weighed down in spirit and troubled in my heart. So in my distress I turn to You (just as I do in my joy). In confusion I will cling to You (because You’ll never steer me wrong). I don’t understand what is troubling me, or why I’m in despair. But this is the way You’ve wired me, and so I trust my heart in Your care. 

{His whispered reply} You’re beautiful, My precious one, and I’ve made you flawlessly. My design for you is beautiful, even when it’s incomprehensible for you – still then I can clearly see exactly what I had in mind, and how I see it playing out. You are exactly as you should be, a gift to the world and a joy to Me. So let Me lavish My love upon you, and let My Spirit minister to your soul. Your heart is so precious to Me, thank you for trusting it to Me to hold.

Psalm 86:1 (ESV) Incline your ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.

Another Prophetic Nugget from “Daily Downloads from Heaven” by Meghan Williams is connected to this. It’s called “Rest in a Place of Awe and Love.”

Psalm 139:17-18 (VOICE) Your thoughts and plans are treasures to me, O God! I cherish each and every one of them! How grand in scope! How many in number! If I could count each one of them, they would be more than all the grains of sand on earth. Their number is inconceivable! Even when I wake up, I am still near to You.

Beloved, catch the vision of the full scope of My creation – its enormity and glorious wonder. Now allow yourself to understand what I see as your part in it, for you’ve been created with intention and with a purpose – and it is good. Catch the vision and grab hold – refuse to let go.

Grab hold to the idea that you are filled with My glory, that you are wondrous and flawless in design. Grab hold of the idea that though you are not perfect, you are perfect for what you’ve been created. I invite you to join with Me in wonder of the glory that is you – the creation of My hand that is beautiful and wonderfully made. Rest in that place of awe and let love and appreciation pour forth both to Me as the Creator and towards yourself as the incredible creation.

The “SELF-PERCEPTION” card from D4Yart Deck 2 is connected to this. The card is based on the “Object of His Affection” Dyed4you Art piece, and it reads, “Pause and see yourself as you are – imperfections and all – yet beautiful and lovely. There’s so much to be admired in you – see it in yourself, for in doing so you eliminate the need for others to acknowledge it in you, and in doing so you regain your power, for your sense of self rests firmly in your hands. So pause and see your true self – your highest ideal, and embrace your beautiful you, for that is truth.”

The silk hidden in this image is called Flawless. The colors in it are gray representing dove’s eyes, black representing the eye of the Lord, cranberry representing having no flaw, and gold shimmer representing beauty for ashes.  The scripture that goes with it is from Song of Solomon 4:7 (ESV) “You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you.”

May the understanding of this great love penetrates your soul and overtakes you in a warm pool of His sweet affections. His love for you is incomprehensible! All He sees are your dove’s eyes – pure, unblemished, lovely. Bask in that incomprehensible love.

NOTE: this word was expanded in February 2022


  1. Julie

    Awhh, brings tears to mine! His blood is what’s been on my mind all week, of course, it is the time of year to think of what His blood has done for us. So beautiful and precious!

  2. Donelda Lea

    Beautiful. I like the “rose colored glasses” of seeing us through His blood. So true and so freeing. Thank you Jesus.

  3. Delia

    Oh thank you. What a wonderful reminder. God is good all the time. Praise God.

  4. Tami L

    Beautiful! “Rose Colored Glasses”, Thank you Jesus

  5. Pat Davis

    wow! this is simply wonderful! He has eyes only for His beloved, those Doves’ Eyes!! reminds us of the amazing grace, mercy & love He has for us!! beautiful!

  6. Frances Harrigan

    It is beautiful! I love it. It brings tears to my eyes when I think about how God loves His children. To know that our Daddy God sees us in this way it’s truly amazing. Words cannot express how wonderful loving and awesome our Father is. I Know this work will bless many people.

  7. Rev. Vickie Horton

    The Lord has had me in Song Of Solomon for about two months. I was sitting on my daughter’s deck and Iwas reading Song Of Solomon and all of a sudden he sent one dove to sit on the top of the fence. The Lord spoke to me and said look back at the scripture and it say you have doves eyes. What a blessing.

    • geri

      beautiful <3

  8. Hedy

    Thank you for such beautiful words & art work.

  9. geri

    This is Beautiful Meghan <3 I was searching "Dove's Eyes" and this came up on my search 🙂

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