Speak Tenderly portrays how God will bring us into a desert season to draw us into closer intimacy with Him
“…I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness [desert], and speak tenderly to her. ” – Hosea 2:14
When we find ourselves in the desert it is far too easy to become immersed in our own sorrows and frustrations. Often we lose sight of the fact that the Lord allows us into these desert seasons — not for our harm, but for our good. It is in the wilderness (in the Hebrew this word is referring to desert) that the Lord is often able to get our attention and bring healing and intimacy that we would otherwise have been too busy to make time for.
Hosea 2:15 continues “And there I will give her her vineyards and make the Valley of Achor [trouble] a door of hope. And there she shall answer [praise] as in the days of her youth…”
Our desperation makes us ripe and fertile ground for His love, which is why the valley of trouble then becomes the door of hope. As He rightly aligns us, we are positioned to prosper.
The scarf in the image is named Love Song. The colors in it are maroon representing love song, red wine representing beloved, and sky blue representing heavenly.
I pray that you might listen for His tender voice in your desert seasons when they inevitably come. Allow Him to woo you deeper — be overtaken by His ardent love, allow Him to make your valley of trouble a door of hope and answer Him with the praise He so richly deserves.
It is hard at times to be in the desert while looking for the water:) Jesus!!! But when He starts teaching us of discipline and patience, endurance and trusting in His love, even if it is hard there is no one or Nothing like my Sweet Prince:) I really like this one too:)
OH my, my, my! this one says to me; I AM woman, perfectly, fearfullly, lovingly & wonderfully made in my fathers image. I AM a Christ Heir. My Daddy thinks the world of me and i Delight myself in his Presence daily!…hallelujah!