Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Displaying Lavishing Praise

Tami loved her 16×20 of Lavishing Praise!  She displayed it with an 11×60 of Abiding Worship (the Dyed4you scarf featured in the image) to the right and the word that goes with the image framed to the left.

Also fun to note is her Prayer Blanket (patchwork throw) over the chair 🙂 Here was part of her comments:

I received this print “Lavishing Praise” It is just Beautiful. Thank you my Friend!!

And in July 2012, we were sent an updated photo of how it’s displayed 🙂


  1. Heather

    VERY cool!!

  2. Amanda E

    A true Dyed4you home 🙂

  3. Pamela

    I just love that picture! Looks like it is displayed proudly over a place of creativity….how appropriate! 😀

  4. Tami L

    @Amanda, I ♥ this picture. It is such a blessing to me.
    @Pamela, It is in a place of creativity and everyone that comes in to my home will see it right away and I pray that each one that enters in with my blessed.

    Emma (granddaughter) came to our home after church and as soon as she seen the picture she said “cool”, I like this “it looks kinda like mine and the scarf you have on the wall looks like the one in the picture”. I told her the name of the scarf is Abinding worship and it is just like the one in the photo.

  5. Donelda Lea

    Awesome! @Amanda, I thought the same thing. 😀

  6. Tami L

    Awe!! I love this print, was a gift from a very dear friend. It is still in the same place, just have a cabinet on the wall now and I am displaying my new silk on my ipod dock 🙂

    Blessing and praying over Dyed4youart and Dyed4you.

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