Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Prophetic Printcard 10-pk Giveaway

Prophetic Printcard 10-pkWe’re doing a giveaway! It’s been too long since we’ve done a blog giveaway so we’ve got a prophetic printcard 10-pk that we’ll be giving away.  There’s a couple ways to enter. First, comment on any of our blog posts or the images in our gallery. Each comment is an entry to the giveaway – so feel free to comment away 🙂

Secondly, you can win by subscribing to our blog.  We don’t spam or share your email with anyone else, all subscribing does is mean you get an email when we post on our blog. Since we tend to be sporadic about that it may mean you’ll get 3 emails one week (like this week) and then none for a week or two. Regardless, it isn’t an overwhelming number of emails we promise! If you want to subscribe just leave a comment on this specific post and we’ll subscribe you.

So that’s it! Let us know if you have any questions – we’ll be picking a winner next wednesday (10/28) – have fun reading, viewing, and commenting!


  1. Christine Taylor

    I love all of your images but especially the double anointing, lawful authority and inexpressible joy. Each of these just cause my spirit to rise up and say “YES!” . Beautiful work as always.

  2. Pam Hudgins

    I love all of them as well,but I think the Pure Love is speaking the most right now because I need it so! So beautiful and so anointed! Best to all!

  3. Lisa Phelps

    The artwork is a blessing. I love them as well as the silks too <3 Blessings on your work. I'd like to receive your emails as well. Shalom.

  4. Jessica S.

    Subscribe me! And fyi…I have “Irrepressible Joy” sitting on my desk, just waiting till the day I find the box with the frames so I can hang it up in my 2 yr old’s room 🙂

  5. sherry mccoy

    I so look for new images to show up! These Artwork pieces bring life to you as you view then! It’s like viewing the heart of God, on paper. Such brilliant masterpieces.

  6. Kerri LuvsBoxers Henderson

    What a “Blessing” you have been to me and I am sure many others, who go to your wall/blog to read what the Lord is saying in the prophetic through your art. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You and may His Love and Blessings always fill our hearts and minds until the day we go ..home xoxoxo

  7. Catherine

    Everything is so beautiful. I love prophetic art!

  8. Catherine

    I dont know which one I like the most. They all are so beautiful!

  9. Dorinda Agosto

    Everything you post is simply breath taking. My silk, “Every Captive Free” has ministered to me and others in ways i cannot even express. The artwork you have been posting is anointed and beautiful.

  10. Dyed4you Art

    Congrats to Catherine our winner!

  11. Natalie wallace

    These cards are so beautiful and meaningful. The cards speak to my spirit on so many levels. They express God’s words with vibrant colors and expressive design. May this ministry continue to be blessed in abundance as you continue to impact people’s lives all around you.

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