Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Introducing: Whom Shall I Fear

WhomShallIFear_FBIt is a joy to introduce the newest Dyed4you Art image: Whom Shall I Fear. There was such an anointing on the creation of this image! The pieces came together with such ease and then the following morning the Father confirmed that “fear not” was on His heart through Larisa (my counterpart at Dyed4you). I pray this piece will be a blessing to you!

Read the word for Whom Shall I Fear


  1. Elaine

    It is GORGEOUS!!!

  2. Stacy Manning

    Love this!!

  3. Merri Trifiro

    It’s ME!!!! Here am i Lord!!!! Who is like You Oh my King! In Your perfect LOVE, Fearless is my new name!…Glory to You my Abba YHWH, whose pinons cover and hands carry me through every peril ..for In You I know my Victory is won! <3

  4. Stephanie Ozbirn

    AMEN!!!!!!! The LORD is my Light and my Salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will not be afraid. Thy rod and Thy staff are of great comfort to me. And when the wolves are biting at my heels, I will lift my eyes to the hills for my help comes from the Lord. The Mighty One of Israel covers me and hides me in the cleft of the Rock. He tucks me with His wing. I can walk against adversity on steady, solid ground because I Am is going before me.

  5. Stephanie Ozbirn

    *under His wing

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