The image we’re releasing today is actually the first of our Prophetic “Portraits” to be officially released, and we’re getting to release it with a testimony from its original recipient. 🙂 We love getting to hear testimonies on all our art but especially from our Prophetic “Portraits”! This one had the image size increased to an 11×14 and it arrived with a small silk added. It’s name is Make a Sound. It’s awesome how Papa God uses the same words to bless and minister to each of us differently. Here’s what the wife of the recipient passed along to us with the picture of how he’d displayed his gift.

It looks lovely with the shofar underneath and the silk tied on the shofar. He says he loves it. He is a man of few words and seldom shares his private thoughts, although when we read the Word that came with the Portrait and the silk, big tears rolled down his face, so it was obvious that he was touched.

He is very much a Selah type person that fits the Amplified description of the word Selah â€śpause and calmly think about that” or “carefully weigh the meaning of what he has just read or heard.” He does that especially when it comes to a Word or prophecy. He will think on it and think on it. (Drives me crazy sometimes because I want to know what he is thinking right away and of course in his time he may or may not share with me his thoughts until forever!)

So, if and when he decides to share more with me on his thoughts I will let you know. In the meantime, the Portrait looks lovely hanging on the wall.

Read the full word for Make a Sound