Personal, Prophetic Artwork | Dyed4you Ministries

Introducing: Lawful Authority

LawfulAuthority_FBSo pleased to introduce our newest release: Lawful Authority. This is the next image in the intercession series. The word for this image is a powerful one and it breaks out of the format that we’d had up to this point. Fun to see the changes Father is bringing!

Read the word for Lawful Authority


  1. karen douglas

    Wow just wow!

  2. Merri Trifiro

    I can’t express how the “word” for this piece is so affirming to the prophetic call on my life, and given the last 3 week Fast… This is astounding confirmation of all YHWH has been speaking to me! I want this one for myself! Thank you Meghan! Blessings and joy!

  3. Tonia Borowski

    This is still one of my favorites!

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