Prophetic Mantel

Julie has put together a collection on the mantel in her living room.  She said:

…it makes me smile every time I walk into the living room

It displays three of her Dyed4you Art printcards (L to R: Never Alone, Stairway to Revelation, and Come Away) as well as her scarf displayed in a glass dish (find out more about that here).  They sit with an eagle she made for her father, which was later given back to her as a timely God-confirmation… she refers to her mantel as her “prophetic mantel” 🙂 Julie (September 2010)

Confirmation of Word

Ryan received Reclaiming the Heart as a gift and it confirmed a prophetic word he’d received a couple weeks earlier.  Below is a portion of the word:

righteouswarrior5x7-screenI also got a picture of a sword. You have been fighting and there are times when you don’t think you can go on but the Lord says to keep going beloved. His hands are going to be around your hands to grasp the sword and keep waring…Victory is the is finished!

Have you been having bad dreams at night at all? I felt like there was a lot of targets in the night…The Lords going to really move in your heart in the night and assignments may be against you but it shall NOT prosper. The Lord says clothe yourself in my word.. let it be your pillow and blanket. – word for Ryan (August 2010)

Continual Reminder

Tami has created a prophetic wall that includes two Dyed4you Art images from the Beloved series, one by Linda Lee Creates, and four of her Dyed4you scarf letters. Notice the Dyed4you pillowcase with the scarf just below 🙂 I love this little tidbit she shared when she sent me the picture:

I had 2 more of my scarf letters added to my wall. My granddaughter was over after church yesterday and she liked it, but asked me what all the white pieces of paper are. I told her that they are the letters from the scarf’s that we get and that when she gets her own room, that I would get her some nice frames and do the same for her. She liked that idea 🙂 Tami (August 2010)

Timely Encouragement

Meghan, Got my printcard today! (Stairway to Revelation) It’s so awesome! It was the perfect day to get it as it was a rough one. I think I will have to get a clear two sided frame, cause I will be flipping it over to read the back – probably a lot! Thank you dear Meghan! – Julie (June 2010)

The image shows her framed printcard along side her scarf – His Delight – a modified version of the Beulah scarf used in the His Delight image. 🙂

Confirmation through a Card

Amanda received a Dream Again greeting card in the mail and the Lord used it as confirmation of what He’d been speaking.

dreamagain_4x6-screenIt was a confirmation actually. I have received many signs where God has been telling me to dream and live the life that I’ve imagined… And also the butterflies…were meaningful…if you look at my facebook album “butterfly of the day” you’ll see what I mean…Thank you once again. All this is truly beautiful. – Amanda (May 2010)

Wooing in the Desert

speaktenderly_5x7When he comes to me in the desert times I can feel my heart beat so fast that I truly think that it’s going to jump from my chest. As he gets closer and I begin to feel his breath on my neck from his soft words, it makes every portion of my body stand on end. His wooing brings me to places I could never imagine. Thank you Meghan this is beautiful-as if he follows her to the dessert and then wraps his presence around her. Lovely – Angie (April 2010)

Prophetic Gifts

waituponthelord-printbackI recently purchased several postcards from your website. I want to let you know that I am part of the dance ministry at my church and I bought these postcards to give as Birthday gifts to the ladies on the team. The ladies that have received them have really been blessed. Your artwork is blessed. I heard about you via a link from Praise Moves

comeaway_5x7backWhen I received the postcards I prayed over them asking God to show me which ones to give to each lady. I believe the card they receive is especially prophetic and relevant for them. – Melissa (April 2010)

Birthday Request

dreamagain_4x6-screenSHE’S BEAUTIFUL – Oh Meghan – I LOVE HER. It is ministering to my heart so much – I have the picture up in front of me right now – as I look at it – she is sssssooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!! You DON’T truly understand the power of God in you – I am broken – so broken right now! Thank you Meghan – thank you. I have requested this from my husband for my birthday – thank you Meghan!!!! – Judy (March 2010)

Blown Away

beloved 3pk framedI just got the art. To say I’m blown away would be a MINOR UNDERSTATEMENT!!!! – Heather (January 2010)

The Lord’s Presence in an Ice Storm

Thank you sooo much for the beautiful scarves! I know my family members will love them. I wanted to tell you that we have been in an ice storm where we have not had electricity or heat or light for Christmas and through even tonight. So when we got your package, we opened it by candlelight and flashlight all bundled up in our sweaters and coats and sleeping bags. We marveled at the beauty of the scarves, and then I opened your box with your exquisite prophetic art pictures.

Beloved3pk2As I read the back of each of them and showed them to my husband, we began to feel the sweet presence of the Lord. We put the cards away, put on harp and bowl worship music from International House of Prayer on my husband’s ipod (it has 30 hours of battery) and worshipped the Lord. It was so wonderful to experience His presence even in our cold dark room where He made it a place of sweet intimacy with Him!

His anointing is upon your prophetic artwork and I know it will bless many people who purchase it. I plan to get some of the scarves you used in your artwork to dance with in the future. – April (December 2009)