WingsofMajesty_SMWings of Majesty depicts a place of awe and reverence where we rest in His hands and on His wings as He carries us to a place of fullness, completion, joy and hope.

“Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? If I ascend into heaven, You [are] there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You [are there]. [If] I take the wings of the morning, [And] dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, Even there Your hand shall lead me, And Your right hand shall hold me.” Psalm 139:7-10 (NKJV)

{sensing} Such a longing from the Father, the heart of God.  A place reserved for the maturing and mature sons and daughters of His Kingdom.  A place of mastery and majesty and wonder. An awe of Him, the Holy One.  He is AWESOME! Awesome God.  Breathing Him in, breathing in life. Amazing God!

There is a place in God where we can come and glide effortlessly on the wind of His breath.  We can see, hear, and perceive from His perspective. This is a place of refreshing, a gaining of wisdom and revelation, a restart or reset. In this place of alignment with Him, we can be who He created us to be, and be healed, be fed, be nurtured, be cleansed.  It is a place of yielding to Him, letting His warm breath lift us up higher. Won’t you accept His invitation to soar?

The name of the silk in this image is Yielded Heart (Yahweh, I open the gates of my life to Your story). The colors in it are light blue representing washing in the word of God, sage representing gentle restoration, camel representing feet shall not slip, cream representing milk and honey, and silver/pearl shimmer representing redemption.

Holy Father, I ask that You help us always yield our hearts to You. That we choose You even when we don’t understand, even when it hurts.  Your path and Your way are always for our certain good.  Help us to remember Your great love for us. To remember Your goodness and mercy. Cause us to remember Your faithfulness so that we can soar on eagles wings. Bring us into oneness with You by Your Spirit.  Thank You, our Abba Father.


Wings of Majesty WingsOfMajesty-cardBack2-screen YieldedHeart-Dyed4youSilk